19.04.2024, 14:15 112516

Kyrgyzstan and World Bank reach agreement on Kambarata HPP-1 project

Meetings between Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers - Head of the Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Akylbek Zhaparov and the executives of the World Bank Group continue, Kabar reports.

Yesterday, on the sidelines of the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group, meetings were held with the WB Regional Director for Economics and Finance Asad Alam, as well as with the WB Vice President for Human Development Mamta Murthy.

The main topic of negotiations with the WB Regional Director for Economics and Finance Asad Alam was the issue of discussing the draft country economic memorandum and the partnership framework strategy, and with the WB Vice President for Human Development Mamta Murthy, the head of the Cabinet discussed issues of cooperation in the social sphere, including education, healthcare and social protection.

Next, a meeting was held between Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Bakyt Torobaev and World Bank Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia Sameh Wahba, where the main topic of negotiations was the issue of interaction in the field of agriculture and water management.

The parties mutually noted the importance of discussing these issues in the context of climate change and natural disasters around the world.

As a result of these meetings, an agreement was reached to practically strengthen the partnership between Kyrgyzstan and the World Bank, in particular, the parties agreed to develop a financial model of cooperation within the framework of the construction of Kambarata HPP-1.

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