21.06.2013, 12:29 34908

Policemen are required to make a warning before firing

According to the chief of police of the country Kalmukhanbet Kasymov in existing law, these moments are not regulated, a duty to prevent the intention to open fire is not provided. This is contrary to international standards.

Astana. June 21. Kazakhstan Today - Policemen are required to make a warning before a shoot, and to allow time for submission, Kazakhstan Todayreports.

Today, Ministry of Internal Affairs discussed the draft law "On the internal affairs of the country", according to which the police are required to make a warning before opening fire, according to the 24.kz channel.

According to the chief of police of the country Kalmukhanbet Kasymov in existing law, these moments are not regulated, a duty to prevent the intention to open fire is not provided. This is contrary to international standards.

The new requirements can be neglected only in the case where delay would cause injury or death to the official.

The new bill will also put a ban on torture and "knock-out" testimony during questioning.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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