21.04.2023, 15:26 75151

11th meeting of heads of SCO states’ emergency situations authorities took place

11th meeting of heads of SCO states’ emergency situations authorities took place
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The 11th meeting of the heads of the emergency situations agencies of the SCO member countries under the presidency of India took place on April 20 in Delhi, Kazinform cites the press service of the Kazakh Emergency Situations Ministry.
The meeting, which is a key mechanism for cooperation of the SCO member states in disaster management, was attended by the heads and officials of emergency situations authorities of India, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and the SCO Secretariat.
Reports on major disasters the SCO countries faced in the past, lessons learnt were made, as well as an exchange of views on prospects for further cooperation in disaster management within the organization took place.
Agreement on the importance of further strengthening of cooperation on emergency preparedness, response, and mitigation of the aftermath of emergencies caused by technogenic and natural disasters, as well as to hold an exchange of information on innovative practices and technologies in disaster management was reached.
Images | gov.kz

A joint action plan to implement the Agreement between the governments of the SCO countries on coordination of delivery of assistance in dealing with emergency situations for 2023-25 was approved.
As part of the meeting, Kazakh Emergency Situations Minister Yuri Ilyin held bilateral meetings with Amit Shah, Minister of Home Affairs of India, and Abdulla Kuldashyev, Emergency Situations Minister of Uzbekistan. A cooperation plan was signed between the Mangistau region’s emergency situations department and Karakalpakstan’s Emergency Situations Office on the prevention and elimination of natural and man-made disasters in the subordinated territories.

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