22.06.2023, 16:34 83836

Almaty mayor praises city’s socioeconomic development

Almaty mayor praises city’s socioeconomic development
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Almaty mayor Yerbolat Dossayev summed up results of the city’s socioeconomic development over the past five months, Kazinform correspondent reports.

While addressing a press conference at the Central Communications Service, mayor Dossayev praised high economic growth rates of the city in the past five months.

Short-term economic indicator and business index have accelerated up to 122.2% and 58.7%, respectively," Yerbolat Dossayev stressed.

Trade, processing industry, transport and warehousing, according to Dossayev, have become the drivers of Almaty’s economy.

The city has attracted a total of 484 billion tenge of investment in the fixed capital. Private investments have seen a 2.7%-increase.

The mayor also commended ‘stable’ situation in the labor market which has seen creation of over 29,000 new jobs, of which 60% are permanent ones.

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