03.07.2024, 15:18 17136

Cargo volumes between Kazakhstan and China reach over 25 mln tons

According to the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, freight volumes along the railway between Kazakhstan and China increased by 22% and reached 28 million tons following results of 2023, Kazinform News Agency conveys.

Tokayev pointed out the significance of the effective realization of large-scale energy projects. As an illustration, Kazakhstan is currently engaged in the construction of petrochemical plants, the modernization of the Shymkent Oil Refinery and the expansion of the Kazakhstan-China oil pipeline.

The projects will soon begin contributing to our economy. As part of the visit, a meeting of the Kazakhstan-China Business Council was held. We signed a number of investment agreements. These commercial agreements pave the way for stronger economic ties. We also drew attention to the need to intensify integration in the transport and logistics sector. In particular, we discussed potential collaboration within the context of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR)," Tokayev noted.

The President further highlighted that the transport and logistics potential of the two countries has grown significantly as a result of the implementation of joint projects in Lianyungang, namely the SEZ "Khorgos - Eastern Gate" and the establishment of dry ports in Xi'an.

Furthermore, the construction of the third cross-border railway, Ayagoz - Bakhty, is currently underway.

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