11.06.2024, 17:45 33366

Costs for 271 mln tenge were reimbursed to enterprises

In the first five months of this year (January-May), the state reimbursed 271.1 million tenge to domestic enterprises. This is part of the costs they spend on increasing labor productivity or promoting products to the domestic market, press service of the Ministry of Industry and Construction reports.

During this period, QazIndustry received 311 applications from enterprises for government incentives. 254.5 million tenge was allocated for reimbursement of expenses aimed at increasing labor productivity, 16.6 million tenge - for reimbursement of funds spent on product promotion.

The most applications in the first direction were received from enterprises of Karaganda, Akmola regions and Almaty. In the second direction, the production of the West Kazakhstan region showed the greatest activity.

In the sectoral section, in two directions, enterprises of mechanical engineering and agriculture (food and beverage production) applied for state support the most.

During the reporting period, QazIndustry conducted over 200 telephone consultations to clarify the conditions and mechanisms for reimbursement of part of the costs. KCE representatives advise during Open Days and at personal meetings at enterprises, as well as during various forums, conferences and exhibitions.

You can get a free consultation on MGS issues on Open Days every Thursday at the QazIndustry office at 17 Kabanbai Batyr Avenue, Block E, 4th floor, Astana city.

Applications to QazIndustry for the provision of government incentives for business are accepted only online - through the corporate website qazindustry.gov.kz - and without intermediaries.

Recall that QazIndustry is the operator of the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide support measures aimed at stimulating the increase in labor productivity of industrial enterprises and product promotion.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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