24.04.2023, 13:55 71231

Czech companies invested about $270mln in Kazakhstan economy - PM Smailov

Czech companies invested about $270mln in Kazakhstan economy - PM Smailov
Images | primeminister.kz
As many as 200 Kazakh-Czech joint companies are working in our country. This is what Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov said today at the Business Forum of Kazakhstan and Czech Republic in Astana, Kazinform reports.

In his words, there are all favorable conditions for the launch of new projects. Czech companies have invested approximately 270 million US dollars in Kazakhstan economy. One fifth of this amount falls on the last year. "As many as 200 joint enterprises are operating in Kazakhstan and this number keeps increasing. There are also new projects in trade-economic sector," he said.

The Kazakh-Czech Business Forum is aimed at expanding the economic ties between the two states, development of business contacts and mutually beneficial cooperation between the Kazakh and Czech business communities.

Those attending the event are heads of central and local state bodies, national and quasi-state companies, representatives of sectoral and regional business associations as well as heads of leading Czech companies such as Škoda Transportation, TELMO, EGAP, STV Group etc. More than 150 delegates are participating in the Forum in total.

Czech Republic is an important partner of Kazakhstan in the European Union. There is a number of intergovernmental agreements between the countries aimed at deepening trade and economic cooperation, encouraging and mutual protection of investments.

Trade turnover between Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic in 2022 exceeded 370 million US dollars, which is 67% higher than in the same period of 2021 (252 million US dollars).

The event will end with signing a number of bilateral documents.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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