14.01.2023, 14:07 55426

EAEU's agricultural output rises by 5.1% in Jan-Nov 2022

The EAEU countries' agricultural output in 11 months of 2022, has reached $154.8bln in 11 months of 2022
The EAEU countries' agricultural output in 11 months of 2022, has reached $154.8bln in 11 months of 2022, Kazinform learned from the EEC press service.

In January-November 2022, the EAEU states manufactured agricultural products worth $154.6bln, which is 5.1% more compared to the same period in 2021. Growth is observed in Kazakhstan - 8.5%, Kyrgyzstan - 6.4%, Russia - 4.7%, Belarus - 3.5% and Armenia -0.5%," the EEC informed.

Positive dynamics is explained by an increase in crop yield, primarily cereals and grain legumes. The production of the main livestock products rose as well.

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