07.03.2025, 13:58 4936
Government considers issues of economic liberalisation and privatisation rates
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Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov held a meeting on economic liberalisation and privatisation. Reduction of state participation in economic processes and expansion of competition is implemented within the framework of the relevant Presidential Decree, primeminister.kz reports.
The progress of implementation of the Comprehensive Privatisation Plan for 2021-2025 was reviewed and measures to improve efficiency were discussed.
The revision and updating of the data of the State Property Register was completed. As part of further improvement of the privatisation process, amendments were made to the rules for the sale of objects, including the introduction of an ‘electronic wallet’ to ensure guarantee fees, an increase in the time for submitting bids for participation in the auction, as well as the publication of notices of sale on additional resources. In addition, amendments to the Law ‘On State Property’ have been developed to abandon direct sales and transfer property exclusively through auctions. To ensure transparency of the mechanism of land allocation, 100% of agricultural land has been digitised, except for desert and semi-desert areas.
To date, amendments have been made to administrative legislation aimed at protecting businesses from unjustified interference.
According to the Ministry of Finance, currently 392 objects of state property and quasi-public sector for the amount of 918.3 billion tenge have been transferred to the competitive environment, 69 objects are directed for reorganisation/liquidation. In addition, 21 objects are on auction and 155 on pre-sale preparation.
Following the results of the meeting, the Prime Minister instructed to intensify work on liberalisation of the economy, including by expanding the covered areas.
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06.03.2025, 13:04 4591
Olzhas Bektenov holds Economic Policy Council meeting
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At a meeting of the Council on Economic Policy chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov considered measures to implement the instructions of the Head of State, given in the Address to the Nation "Fair Kazakhstan: law and order, economic growth, public optimism", primeminister.kz reports.
They discussed approaches to ensure a balance between monetary and fiscal policy to improve the balance of macroeconomic policy.
Emphasis was placed on improving the sustainability of public finances and the quality of economic growth with reliance on market mechanisms. Proposals on institutional strengthening of compliance with the system of budget rules and targets, increasing the role of the private sector in financing the economy, reducing systemic risks in the financial sector were heard.
Chairman of the National Bank Timur Suleimenov, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of National Economy Serik Zhumangarin, Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs Kanat Sharlapayev, Chairman of the Agency for Regulation and Development of Financial Market Madina Abylkassymova, Chairman of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms Asset Irgaliyev, as well as the leadership of responsible ministries attended the meeting.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
05.03.2025, 15:40 38171
Kazakhstan eyes around KZT50bn in tax revenue from marketplaces
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Nearly 20 marketplaces officially operate and pay taxes in Kazakhstan, Deputy Premier - National Economy Minister Serik Zhumangarin said during a briefing on Wednesday in the Majilis, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.
Temu and Pinduoduo obtained provisional registration and are VAT payers, said Zhumangarin, stressing that the same rules must be applied to other marketplaces.
According to him, if the total value of the consignment exceeds 200 euros and 31 kilos, the appropriate tax is charged. ‘In case it exceeds the limit, the cumulative customs payment of 15% is paid by the consumer,’ Zhumangarin said.
This year, we plan to collect around 50 billion tenge in tax revenue from marketplaces, including Temu, Pinduoduo, Alibaba, Amazon and so on. There are around 20 such companies, added the Kazakh Deputy Premier.
Earlier it was reported that the Kazakh government had proposed to fix the minimum standard VAT rate at 16%, up from the current 12% as well as an intermediate rate at 10% for certain industries and a full exemption for agricultural producers.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
05.03.2025, 11:41 39216
190 projects worth 1.5 trillion tenge to be implemented in manufacturing industry this year - Ministry of Industry and Construction
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Minister of Industry and Construction of Kazakhstan Yersaiyn Nagaspayev at the Government session reported on measures taken to ensure the stable development of the manufacturing industry, primeminister.kz reports.
He noted that this year in the industry will be introduced 190 projects worth 1.5 trillion tenge. Also, 417 projects worth more than 15.3 trillion tenge have been launched. The projects will be financed by attracting both private investment and funds from the BVU and development institutions.
As of today, financing of manufacturing industry projects worth more than 1.1 trillion tenge is being worked out. In particular, for the implementation of major projects through the CDB, the need is 183.5 billion tenge. For 2025-2028, 800 billion tenge will be allocated for medium and small projects, including about 100 billion tenge to finance small industrial zones, for which there is demand from small businesses. These measures will ensure the growth of industry, create new jobs and improve the competitiveness of economic sectors," Yersaiyn Nagaspayev emphasised.
According to the department, today financing of manufacturing industry projects worth more than 1.1 trillion tenge is under consideration. In particular, for the implementation of major projects under the CDB, the need is 183.5 billion tenge. The FRP for 2025-2028 - 800 billion tenge for the implementation of medium and small projects, including about 100 billion tenge to finance small industrial zones, for which there is demand from small businesses. These measures will ensure industrial growth, create new jobs and improve the competitiveness of economic sectors.
For the leasing of vehicles for the renewal of public transport and special equipment through the DIF for 2025-2026, the allocation of about 109 billion tenge is being considered. As a result, about 900 new buses will be delivered in the next two years, as well as more than 800 units of special vehicles for emergency and municipal services.
Yersaiyn Nagaspayev also spoke about plans to commission housing in Kazakhstan this year. According to him, to achieve the 2025 target of commissioning 19 million square metres of housing, the issue of allocation of funds in the amount of 500 billion tenge through the Baiterek line is being additionally studied.
In particular:
- 300 billion tenge to buy out 21 thousand rental housing;
- 120 billion tenge for the supply of engineering and communication infrastructure;
- 80 billion tenge to fund Otbasy Bank's ‘2-10-20’ and ‘5-10-20’ mortgage programmes.
The Ministry will continue to work on effective utilisation of allocated financial resources, support of strategically important initiatives and creation of conditions for sustainable economic growth," Yersaiyn Nagaspayev concluded.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
05.03.2025, 09:33 39626
Guarantee fund for lending to large businesses to appear in Kazakhstan
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Chairman of the Board of NUH Baiterek JSC Rustam Karagoyshin at the Government session reported that in order to intensify lending to the economy, especially large investment projects, it was decided to create a Guarantee Fund for large businesses, primeminister.kz reports.
The Fund will serve as a tool to involve the liquidity of second-tier banks and increase the attractiveness of financing for both private and public participants.
The main idea of the mechanism is that the state assumes part of the financial risks associated with lending to large projects. This will improve the availability and conditions of financing, which, in turn, will contribute to the development of initiatives significant for the economy. The guarantee fund will be created under the holding company and will be aimed at supporting projects worth 7bn tenge or more.
This fund will be an effective tool to address the issue of sufficiency of collateral for large and strategically important projects. The project initiator must ensure its own participation in the amount of at least 20 per cent of the project cost. The remaining 80 per cent of the project cost will be financed by a loan from BVU and DBK. At the same time, up to 30% of the financing amount will be covered by the holding company's guarantee for creditors," Rustam Karagoyshin explained.
He also noted that in order to achieve the implementation of the Government's objectives to increase GDP in 2025 to 7%, the holding plans to allocate about 8 trillion tenge to support entrepreneurship, housing development and implementation of key national and investment projects with a further increase in financing up to 10 trillion tenge by 2027. These goals require capitalisation of the holding at the rate of 1 trillion tenge annually.
In 2024, the total contribution of the holding company to support sectors of the economy is about 4 trillion tenge.
The business will be incentivised by equating the interest rate at 12.6% (mixing capital and market money) for end borrowers. The main objective of this initiative:
- offering real sector enterprises a fair rate without distorting the financing market, including stopping the practice of ‘cannibalism’ (duplication of products, migration of projects between support operators) between financiers and ‘arbitrage’ on rates (different rates and unequal access of market participants, as confirmed by the observations of Supreme Audit Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
- reducing the burden on the country's budget with a gradual withdrawal from the practice of subsidising.
With the support of the economy in 2025 up to 8 trillion tenge (taking into account the effect of the TNA influence in project financing) will make it possible to make an additional contribution of holding projects in GDP growth up to 1.3 per cent (GDP forecast 2025 growth of 6.5 per cent, MNE data).
As part of the Head of State's instruction announced at a recent Government session, it is planned to launch a Guarantee Fund for SMEs this year. The capital of this fund will be formed through the participation of the capital of the Damu Fund, mandatory annual contributions of the BVU, as well as funds from the state, large companies and other interested organisations. Within the framework of the creation of the guarantee fund, the functions of Damu Fund will be supplemented with new tasks: the product line of the guarantee instrument will be expanded, the amount of guarantees provided will be increased, and the list of sectors of the economy subject to guarantee will be expanded. It is planned to issue guarantees for new products on the principles of irrevocability and unconditional nature," Rustam Karagoyshin noted.
The launch of the guarantee fund will allow to increase the portfolio of guarantees to 1 trillion tenge by 2027 (+148% compared to 2024) and support more than 50 thousand projects annually, which is five times more than in 2024. At the same time, the main priority will be given to projects that reduce inflation imports into the country.
As part of the implementation of the Energy and Utilities Sector Modernisation National Project for 2025-2029, the holding has been designated as a financial operator.
Thus, the holding will apply financing instruments of the Development Bank of Kazakhstan, BVU, as well as through bonded loans of the Kazakhstan Housing Company (KHC), and other market participants to support the activities of natural monopolies. It also provides for budgetary lending, buyout by the financial operator of bonds of natural monopolies (SEM) from the private sector, as well as financing of SEM (coal-fired generation) through leasing financing through the Industrial Development Fund. Additionally, KJK will act as an agent to provide subsidies for SEM.
To fulfil the objectives of the National Project, the holding plans to finance projects of natural monopolies in the amount of 4.7 trillion tenge over a five-year period. At the same time, in 2025, the need for financing is 283 billion tenge based on the need to cover red zones," Rustam Karagoyshin specified
In general, according to him, the total cost of the holding's promising projects today is more than 25 trillion tenge with the amount of requested financing up to 10 trillion tenge.
Of these, investment projects with the amount of financing in the amount of 8.4 trillion tenge and working capital support programmes - in the amount of 1.6 trillion tenge, of which 700 billion tenge for agro-industrial complex will remain within the framework of subsidised rate, the rest at market rate.
During the Government session, a sectoral breakdown of the holding company's large investment projects worth more than 7 billion tenge, which may be considered by the Guarantee Fund for Large Business, was also presented.
The preliminary amount of financing of such investment projects that can be guaranteed by the holding is 6 trillion tenge.
It was noted that in accordance with the order of the Head of State the volume of preferential lending for spring field and harvesting works through Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC will reach 700 billion tenge, 202 billion tenge has already been issued. Of these, 100 billion tenge was allocated in advance in December last year. If there is a shortage of collateral, farmers can use the guarantees of the Damu Fund.
To increase the pace of renewal of the machinery and tractor fleet, KazAgroFinance launched a programme of preferential leasing of domestically produced agricultural machinery at an annual interest rate of 5%.
In addition, financing of investment projects in the agro-industrial complex will be continued with a priority on solving the tasks of reducing import dependence and stabilising prices. To this end, projects will be financed for the processing of agricultural products and food production with a focus on socially important goods, the introduction of irrigation systems, indoor vegetable production, the development of production and marketing infrastructure, and support for fodder production.
As part of the export strategy, insurance, reinsurance and guarantees for domestic producers are being expanded. An important task is to enter new markets and provide comprehensive solutions for Kazakhstani exports.
In this regard, the holding is launching a trade fund with a target size of $200 - $500 million and forming a pool of export-oriented projects, including the development of poultry enterprises and crop production.
Key export areas:
Consolidation of large producers and traders of crop products (grains, oilseeds and pulses) to expand export channels;
- creation of stable export supply chains and expansion of export geography (PRC, Central Asia, EU);
- reduction of speculative factors in pricing and market stabilisation;
- partnership with major foreign buyers (COFCO and others);
- investment support and involvement of the private sector in trade activities;
- improvement of conditions for agro-producers on transport and logistics services.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
04.03.2025, 21:38 39416
Olzhas Bektenov instructs to conclude within two weeks Investment Agreement with ESTA Construction on construction of fertiliser plant worth $1.3 billion
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Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov met with General Director of ESTA Construction Mustafa Toprak. They discussed the construction of a plant for the production of urea and ammonia, primeminister.kz reports.
The $1.35bn project envisages the creation of a large gas chemical production facility in Mangystau region, near the Kuryk seaport. The location of the plant was chosen for its logistical advantages to ensure optimal conditions for exporting products across the Caspian Sea. The plant will produce up to 700,000 tonnes of urea and 42,000 tonnes of ammonia per year, which will reduce dependence on imported fertilisers and provide the country's agricultural sector with high value-added products. The project will employ up to 3,000 specialists and will create 400 permanent jobs.
Today, Kazakhstan has established production of three types of fertilisers: ammonium nitrate, ammophos and ammonium sulphate. However, with a scientific demand of 3.2m tonnes, domestic capacity meets only 56% of demand, producing about 1.8m tonnes of fertiliser a year.
Olzhas Bektenov emphasised that the creation of own urea production will reduce dependence on imports and strengthen food security.
The Head of State pays great attention to the development of the country's agro-industrial complex. Last year we had a record harvest. The government has allocated 700 billion tenge to support agrarians. An important issue is the provision of quality and affordable mineral fertilisers. Therefore, your project is of interest to us from the point of view of meeting the domestic demand for urea, as well as its export," Head of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted.
In addition, during the meeting the measures of state support for agricultural producers were discussed. Currently, Kazakhstan has a subsidy programme covering up to 60% of the cost of fertilisers, and since March 2024, a mechanism of advance subsidies has been introduced, thanks to which funds are transferred to producers in advance to reduce the cost of production. Last year, 46.4 billion tenge was allocated for these purposes, and 35 billion tenge is envisaged for 2025.
As a result of the meeting, the authorised state bodies were instructed to expedite all procedures and within two weeks to submit for signature a draft Investment Agreement with ESTA Construction, which will launch the implementation of a major investment project.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
04.03.2025, 20:24 39841
Real sector financing is to be increased in Kazakhstan
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Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan - Minister of National Economy Serik Zhumangarin at the Government session reported on the planned measures to increase economic growth in 2025, primeminister.kz reports.
He noted that for this purpose in the current year and in subsequent years the Government will provide a significant increase in financing of the real sector of the economy.
In particular, the Government will increase the capital of Baiterek Holding by 1 trillion tenge, which in turn will allow the holding to finance projects worth 8 trillion tenge in 2025.
These investments will be used to create new projects in the country, which will lead to an increase in production capacity in the manufacturing industry and the creation of new high-productive jobs," Serik Zhumangarin said.
The speaker explained that support from Baiterek for business is not only to increase the volume of financing, but also to introduce new tools.
Deputy Prime Minister added that guaranteeing loans for business has proven to be an effective practice, including in other countries. Therefore, 2 guarantee funds will be created, one of them for SMEs.
The volume of loan guarantees and interest rate subsidies for SMEs will be increased. Already this year about 30 thousand SME projects worth 1.7 trillion tenge will be supported," Serik Zhumangarin informed.
In addition, the country will create a new fund to guarantee loans to large businesses. The guarantee fund for big business will solve the issue of sufficiency of collateral for large and strategically important projects. It will increase their number.
Emphasis in financing will be placed on the following sectors of the manufacturing industry, which have a high potential for creating competitive projects with a high export potential: metal processing, oil and gas, agro-industrial products, chemical industry, light industry, food production, construction materials, machine building, as well as IT, logistics, cargo transportation, tourism, anchor and infrastructure projects and cluster projects that form an ecological environment for SME development.
The government will also provide state guarantees for borrowing to improve the country's transport infrastructure, which will boost demand for domestic goods and services this year and accelerate economic growth. In subsequent periods, the initiative will increase transit and domestic transport volumes and generally boost business activity. State guarantees in 2025 will be increased by 1.9 trillion tenge, which will bring the coverage of construction works to 13.1 thousand km of roads (+3.6 thousand km) and 585 km of railways (+390 km).
Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan - Minister of National Economy also spoke about plans to attract investment. It is planned that additional volumes of investments in 2025 will be provided due to the start of the National Project on modernisation of Energy and Utilities Sector. The volume of investments under the National Project will exceed 13 trillion tenge over 5 years, with investments for infrastructure modernisation amounting to about 1.2 trillion tenge this year.
The national project will contribute to the growth of investment, as well as the emergence of new domestic goods and manufacturers whose products will be purchased in the construction of municipal infrastructure in the country. The implementation of the national project will reduce the wear and tear of infrastructure and improve its reliability," Serik Zhumangarin emphasised.
It was noted that the implementation of the national project will reduce the wear and tear of infrastructure, improve its reliability, as well as contribute to the growth of operational efficiency of natural monopolies and reduce losses of electricity and heat during transmission. In order to increase the share of domestic value within the framework of modernisation and construction of energy and utility infrastructure, work will be carried out to encourage the use of domestically produced goods. This approach will allow not only to increase domestic competitiveness, but also to create new jobs, reduce dependence on imports and increase the volume of domestic production.
Deputy Prime Minister also said that a record volume of housing commissioning would be achieved this year with at least 19 million square metres. He explained that these results would be achieved through initiatives covering everything from building new infrastructure and increasing mortgage lending to providing rental housing.
Initiatives aimed at increasing real sector financing alone will result in a significant increase in GDP this year, adding at least 2 percentage points to its growth. To monitor the timely implementation of the above measures, a Growth Operational Headquarters under my leadership has already been set up and is in place. All arising problems will be solved promptly and immediately, Serik Zhumangarin summarised.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
28.02.2025, 16:36 47686
Kazakhstan's national minimum wage rises in February
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The average living wage individual in Kazakhstan rose from 51,548 tenge in January to 52,588 tenge in February 2025, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.
According to the National Statistics Bureau, the top-3 regions with the highest living wage for an individual include Almaty region, Astana and Ulytau region at 56,574, 56,169 and 54,282 tenge per month, respectively.
Kyzylorda (46,672 tenge), West Kazakhstan (47,408 tenge) and Aktobe regions (47,463 tenge) have the lowest monthly minimum wages.
The national minimum wage stands at 62,562 tenge for men and 49,680 tenge for women.
As the National Statistics Bureau informed, the national living wage rose from 48,195 tenge in January to 49,163 tenge in February for pensioners.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
28.02.2025, 14:16 45216
Olzhas Bektenov calls on entrepreneurs to pay fair amounts of taxes within two weeks
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Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov held a working meeting with Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of National Economy Serik Zhumangarin and Minister of Finance Madi Takiyev. The issues of fiscal reform and strengthening control over tax revenues were considered, primeminister.kz reports.
Finance Minister Madi Takiev reported that the analysis established the facts of use of special tax regimes (STR), introduced earlier to support and develop small businesses in the period of its formation, as legal schemes to optimise tax liabilities by unscrupulous taxpayers.
Today there are 2.3 million registered taxpayers in Kazakhstan. Of these, only 8% or 137 thousand are VAT payers. In general, of the total number of entities, 81% operate in a special tax regime under the simplified declaration, with 85% of them indicating income up to 15 million tenge.
We have analysed mutual settlements of entities applying special tax regimes with companies operating under the generally established regime. The analysis showed the following: mutual settlements between such regimes have grown 2 times over the last year - from 5 to 10 trillion tenge. At the same time, out of the total turnover of 16 trillion tenge under special tax regimes, mutual settlements with the generally established regime account for 10 trillion tenge. That is, while earning hundreds of billions of tenge, taxpayers pay paltry taxes," Madi Takiyev said and voiced a number of splitting schemes used by businesses.
To optimise taxes and dilute profits, companies follow the principle of increasing documentary costs. One company buys goods and resells them at cost price to another legal entity operating in a simplified regime. As a result, the first company shows a loss, while the second company avoids paying VAT by taking advantage of favourable conditions.
In addition, a method of splitting a business into several legal entities is used. For example, in one establishment a bar, kitchen and karaoke are registered as separate companies, or each floor of the hotel belongs to different sole proprietorships. When the income of one of them reaches the threshold of 78 million tenge, the activity is terminated, and another legal entity replaces it, which avoids paying VAT.
In order to reduce the burden on the payroll, the employees of the enterprise are taken out of the workforce, registered as individual entrepreneurs and provide services to the former employer not as employees, but as individuals. Accordingly, tax payments to the labour remuneration fund are reduced, social responsibility is removed from the employer, and further it is borne by the entrepreneur," Madi Takiev reported.
In this regard, in order to improve tax administration of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan proposed a number of measures to combat fragmentation:
- - introduce a legislative criterion of business fragmentation;
- - introduction of the principle of predominance of essence over the form of tax disputes;
- - introduction of methods of control and proof of such facts;
- - limitation of types of activities for sole proprietorships.
It is evident from the information of the Minister of Finance that unscrupulous entrepreneurs, applying various schemes to optimise the tax burden, behave inappropriately. With billion-dollar turnovers they pay to the budget amounts that absolutely do not correspond to their profits. We have a full list of such large companies. There are large well-known construction companies, such as BI Group, BAZIS and many others. Well-known and popular restaurants, fitness clubs and various companies operating in other sectors of the economy.
Taking this opportunity, I would now like to address the owners and managers of large companies that apply various schemes to optimise their tax burden. Today-tomorrow your companies will receive notices from the tax authorities about the need to pay additional amounts of taxes.
I ask everyone to submit additional tax declarations to the tax authorities within two weeks and pay fair amounts of taxes.
If these actions are not taken, the state reserves the right to use all resources available to the state, including fiscal and law enforcement.
The conversation will be tough, but we are ready for dialogue, if business is ready to behave fairly towards the state," Olzhas Bektenov stressed.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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