31.07.2023, 11:55 88626

Gross domestic product by the production method with highlighting share of Oil and gas, raw sources sectors for 2022

The physical volume index (PVI) of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2022 (a reported data) in relation to 2021amounted to 103,2%. In the structure of GDP, the share of production of goods is 40%, services -52, 9%, Bureau of National Statistics reports.

The largest growth was shown by the and Construction -110,2%, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries - 109,1%, Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles - 104,6%.

The industries made largest contributed to the GVA GDP Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles - 0,80%, Construction - 0, 58% and Agriculture, forestry and fisheries - 0,46%.

GDP - in market prices, is the final result of the production activities of resident producers.

PVI GDP characterizes the change in the volume of production of goods and services in the economy for a certain period.

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