05.04.2021, 15:18 24205

Inflation increased in March in Kazakhstan

Inflation amounted to 0.6% in Kazakhstan in March 2021, compared to February, from March 2020 - 7%, reports the Statistics Committee of Kazakhstan.

The increase in prices was recorded for fresh vegetables by 3.2%, sunflower oil - by 1.9%, granulated sugar - by 1.7%, potatoes, fresh fruits, beef - by 1%, cereals - by 0.9% , pasta, tea, lamb, pasteurized milk, pork - 0.8% each, eggs, chicken legs, kefir - 0.7% each, flour - 0.6%, butter - 0.4%. Alcoholic beverages have climbed in price by 1%, "reads the report.

The prices have dropped for rice by 1.1%, millet - by 0.6%, white cabbage - by 0.3%.
Prices for food products increased by 0.8%, non-food products - by 0.7%, paid services - by 0.2% I March.
Source: KazTAG

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