22.09.2023, 13:47 186866

Interdepartmental Commission on Trade: export duty, restrictions on coal and gas exports

Interdepartmental Commission on Trade: export duty, restrictions on coal and gas exports
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At the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on foreign trade policy and participation in international economic organizations chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin considered and made decisions on a number of significant issues, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

The issue of export duty on sunflower seeds was again heatedly discussed. At the previous two meetings of the Interdepartmental Commission, it has already been raised among the range of stakeholders: from producers and processors to government agencies and National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atamaeken". Having once again weighed all the results of the export duty and the current course of the state policy aimed at diversification of production in the country towards processing, the IMC meeting decided to leave the current export duty on sunflower seeds at the rate of 20%, but not less than 100 euros per ton, unchanged. The National Association of Oilseed Processors was proposed to reach a consensus with sunflower seed producers on purchase prices, which the Association undertook to publicly announce in the near future.

The most profitable business. According to the Office for National Statistics, growing sunflower seeds is one of the most profitable businesses in the Agribusiness sector. The overall profitability of this oilseed crop in the country is 96.4%.

Processing capacity. More than 50 enterprises are involved in sunflower seed processing in the country, with an annual total raw material processing capacity of 3.2 million tons. In 2022, the utilization of the existing sunflower processing capacity (2.8 million tons) was 34%. In 2022, the gross harvest of sunflower seeds amounted to 1.3 million tons, i.e. today there are already all prerequisites for full processing of oilseeds in the domestic market.

Sown areas are growing: from 960,400 ha in 2021 to 1 million ha in 2022 (14%) and 1.2 million ha in 2023 (6%). The average increase is 10% annually.

Sunflower seed exports are growing: 346.8 thousand tons of sunflower seeds were exported in 2022, which is 2.3 times higher than the level of the same period of 2021 (145.9 thousand tons). At the same time, the export of sunflower seeds in the marketing period (from October to August) 2020-2023, exceeds the average annual exports.

Vegetable oil production is growing: during the season (from September 2022 to August 2023) the production of unrefined oil exceeded 417 thousand tons, which is 50% more than in the season 2021-2022 (279 thousand tons). Refined oil production rose 4.1% to 145,300 tons during the same time. Imports of bottled sunflower oil decreased: from September 2022 to July 2023 imports amounted to 35.2 thousand tons, a decrease of 15%. Thus, the growth of production is against the background of a reduction in imports, i.e. import substitution is taking place.

Exports of processed products are growing. For 2022, 229.4 thousand tons of sunflower oil worth $319.7 million were exported, which is almost 3 times higher than the level of 2021 (84.9 thousand tons worth $98.8 million).

The price of oil in stores is decreasing. Export duty was introduced on February 4, 2023, from January to September the average price of sunflower oil in the country decreased by 16%. As of September 12 this year, the average price was 764 tenge.

Receipts to the budget. The volume of duties paid for the export of sunflower seeds to the country's budget, from which further agricultural producers receive subsidies, amounted to 4.2 billion tenge.

Limiting the export of raw materials and increasing the volume of processing is a global trend in the economies of neighboring countries. Such states as Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, which have practically no raw materials of their own, create favorable conditions for the supply of raw materials and build processing facilities. Kyrgyzstan has a zero rate of Value Added Tax on import of sunflower seeds exclusively for vegetable oil production. Uzbekistan has a zero duty on imports of sunflower seeds and sunflower oil. As a result, import of sunflower seeds from Kazakhstan takes the first place annually in the structure of Uzbekistan's imports. At the same time, countries producing their own raw materials, such as Russia and Belarus, extend export duties and introduce export licensing.

In addition, at the meeting the Interdepartmental Commission decided to extend the ban on coal export by motor vehicles. This is due to the upcoming start of the heating season, for uninterrupted supply of social coal to the population. In order to ensure uninterrupted gas supply to the population and deliveries to the automobile market, a restriction on the export of liquefied petroleum gas by road and rail transport was established.

Also at the meeting, the Interdepartmental Commission discussed the issue of abolishing the export duty on lubricating oils, considered the extension of the anti-dumping measure against cold-deformed seamless stainless steel pipes and other issues of foreign trade activities.

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