17.04.2023, 16:47 58736

Jingdong Mall marketplace to be available for Kazakhstani producers

Jingdong Mall marketplace to be available for Kazakhstani producers
Images | gov.kz
Vice-Minister of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Torebayev met with Chairman of the Board of Directors of "China Corporation Xinxing" LLP" Mr. Zhan Jian in Almaty. The parties discussed cooperation in bringing Kazakh products to the largest marketplaces in China, in particular to the electronic platform JD.com, Kazinform learned from the Ministry's press service.

JD.com" (Jingdong Mall) is the largest online platform for the sale of goods and services in China, founded in 1998. The electronic platform is considered one of the largest online retailers in the world, with more than 1 million products for sale here, including electronics, clothing, shoes, cosmetics, food and much more.

About 10 Kazakhstani enterprises producing food products with high export potential took part in the negotiations. These are producers of sunflower, rapeseed oil, confectionery, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, snacks, etc.

The Chinese partners, having familiarized themselves with the presented food samples, became interested in further cooperation in the supply of Kazakhstani goods to the Chinese market.

The participants of the meeting identified the possibilities of promoting Kazakh products to China through the platform JD.com using the rich experience of Xinxing Company in marketing, as well as the implementation and maintenance of the world's leading companies in the Chinese market.

Also, during the negotiations, the head of "China Xinxing Corporation" LLP noted the company's interest in cooperation in the field of healthcare, including the supply of medical equipment and drugs to medical institutions in Kazakhstan, the exchange of experience in training medical personnel.

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