07.02.2024, 13:57 61491

Kazakhstan needs VAT reform - Tokayev

Kazakhstan needs VAT reform - Tokayev
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Kazakhstan needs to drastically improve efficiency of its budgetary and tax policies. In the past five years, the volume of budget deficit exceeded 11 trillion tenge, which proves that the Government is still challenged to manage budget effectively and forecast budget parameters in a quality manner. This is what President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said at Wednesday extended meeting of the newly-formed Cabinet, Kazinform News Agency reports.

In his words, in 2023, the Ministry of Finance achieved its revenue target "mostly through the current year taxes".

Budgetary problems were solved by means of withdrawal of working capital from business, he stressed.

Another problem is the order of budget distribution, which is not oriented on economic activity stimulation. Finances are spent on current tasks, while strategic goals go into the background, the President said.

He stressed that the Government has to set clear priorities of expenditures, to ensure maximum economic return.

Addressing the Cabinet members, the President expressed displeasure with the new Tax Code being drafted now.

He emphasized that the new Tax Code should ensure a reasonable balance between creation of comfortable climate for investors and maintaining necessary level of budget revenues.

Business community believes that the document [new Tax Code - edit] is aimed at raising tax rates. Raising the VAT from 12% to 16% is not a panacea. The VAT needs to be reformed. Experts rightfully argue that raising the VAT may lead to inflation surge, increase the share of shadow economy, and decrease investment attractiveness of the country. I have to state that the work on the development of the new Tax Code does not meet my expectations, he said.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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