20.06.2023, 18:30 71466

Kazakhstan’s GDP rises 3.3% in 2022

Kazakhstan’s GDP rises 3.3% in 2022
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Kazakhstan saw a post-pandemic economic recovery, with the GDP rising 3.3%, Finance Minister Yerulan Zhamaubayev said while presenting the report on the republican budget for 2022 at the joint session of the Kazakh Parliament, Kazinform correspondent reports.

Positive result was seen in many key sectors. For instance, manufacturing was up 3.4%. construction 9.4%, transport 3.9%, agriculture 9.1%, and trade 5.0%," said Zhamaubayev.

The minister went on to add that the volume of investments in fixed capital rose 7.9%.

According to Zhamaubayev, budget revenues stood at 16.1 trillion tenge, while budget expenditures at 18.5 trillion tenge, with the budget deficiency of 2.3% of the GDP.

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