05.04.2023, 10:11 51031

Kazakhstan to cultivate Vietnam’s rice

Kazakhstan to cultivate Vietnam’s rice
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The first session of the Kazakhstan-Vietnam agricultural cooperation subcommittee took place in Hanoi. Vice Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan Yerbol Taszhurekov headed the Kazakh delegation, Kazinform refers to the Agriculture Ministry’s press service.

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Those attending focused on the development of agro-industrial cooperation and shared views on opportunities for the expansion of bilateral ties. In particular, the sides agreed to contribute to the sooner signing of an agreement on veterinary cooperation and the exchange of veterinary and phytosanitary export and import requirements.

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As part of its tour, the Kazakh delegation visited the Thai Binh Seed headquarters. It is the country's largest company engaged in rice seed production. The company gave Kazakhstan six rice varieties to cultivate in the territory of Kyzylorda region taking into account its soil characteristics and climatic zone.

Images | gov.kz

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