11.04.2023, 12:29 39626

Kazakhstan to transport 125,000 tons of oil to Azerbaijan this April

Kazakhstan to transport 125,000 tons of oil to Azerbaijan this April
Images | gov.kz
Deputy Prime Minister - Trade and Integration Minister Serik Zhumangarin revealed plans to export oil to Azerbaijan this April, Kazinform reports.

Last year KazMunaiGas and SOCAR companies signed an agreement. Since 2023 we plan to transport 1.5 million tons of oil via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. The first two tankers have already transported 20,000 tons of oil in March. In April Kazakhstan will ship 125,000 tons more," he told journalists.

According to him, Baku suggested other routes, for example, the Baku-Supsa pipeline.

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