03.06.2024, 17:30 31436

Locust control measures to be intensified in Aktobe and Kostanay regions

Equipment and the necessary stock of pesticides are already ready for the start of large-scale land treatment in the regions with the largest predicted volumes of locust spread. Temporary labourers are being attracted en masse, primeminister.kz reports.

The current situation in the fight against insect pests was discussed in the Government session on 1 June at the third meeting of the republican operational headquarters to coordinate protective measures against locusts. Agriculture Minister Aidarbek Saparov chaired the meeting.

As of 31 May, Turkestan region conducted treatment against Moroccan locust larvae on an area of 259.3 thousand hectares. This is 95.5% of the projected volume. In Zhambyl oblast, protective measures are fully completed: 9.8 thousand hectares or 100% have been treated.

Protective measures against Italian pruce have been started. Of the 2.2 million hectares treated 144.1 thousand hectares in Aktobe, Almaty, Atyrau, Zhambyl, West Kazakhstan, Kostanay, Kyzylorda regions and Zhetisu region. In other regions, chemical treatment against Italian pruce will begin as larvae hatching sites are identified. Pesticides have already been delivered to all regions in the required volume.

Chemical treatment against Asian locust has been started in Zhetisu region. Here 200 hectares out of 950 hectares have already been treated.

The largest areas to be treated against locusts are located in Aktobe region (784.4 thousand hectares) and Kostanay region (775.6 thousand hectares). According to akimats, it is now the phase of active hatching of Italian pruce larvae in the southern areas of these regions. However, the regions are ready for it. For example, in Kostanay region treatment will be carried out in 15 districts out of 17. For this purpose 72 units of machinery will be used. Monitoring activities to determine the exact places of hatching are planned on the territory of almost 5 million hectares. 129 surveyors will be involved in this work. In addition, each rural district is recruiting and training temporary workers for chemical treatment. 326 people have already been involved.

At the end of the meeting Aidarbek Saparov instructed the regional headquarters to inform the territorial subdivisions of the State Inspection Committee on a daily basis about the current state of the ongoing work. Where it is necessary to immediately move additional equipment and involve as many temporary workers as possible. In Turkestan region to carry out additional clean-up.

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