15.10.2024, 18:54 596

Non-tax payments totalled 921 billion tenge, six times higher than plan

Non-tax payments totalled 921 billion tenge, six times higher than plan
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At the Government session, Finance Minister Madi Takiyev presented the results of execution of the state budget for 9 months of 2024. Excluding transfers received 14.9 trillion tenge, which is 93.2% of the planned. The republican budget received about 9 trillion tenge, primeminister.kz reports.

The Minister noted that the main factor in the failure to fulfil the revenue plan was the decline in tax revenues. Thus, their actual volume amounted to 8.1 trillion tenge, which is 2.6 trillion tenge less than planned.

Madi Takiyev pointed out 3 key factors that affected the fulfilment of targets:

  • Reduction in oil production: for 9 months oil production decreased by 5.3 million tonnes.
  • Slowdown of the global economy: the factor had a negative impact on foreign economic activity, as a result of which imports decreased by 8.3%, including with PRC by 6.5% and with EAEU countries by 4%. The decline in prices for the main export metals also affected budget revenues.
  • Increase in VAT refunds: in the first 9 months of this year, VAT refunds totalled KZT946bn, 3 times higher than last year.

Non-performance on taxes is compensated by an increase in non-tax payments, which with the plan for the reporting period of 148 billion tenge, actually amounted to 921 billion tenge. Over-fulfilment of the plan was ensured due to the receipt of dividends on state-owned blocks of shares, which are in state ownership, in the amount of 684 billion tenge. As for the proceeds from the sale of fixed capital, with the plan of 1.7 billion tenge, the budget received KZT 5.1 billion. It should be noted that the measures taken in the field of digitalisation of administration are one of the effective tools to improve efficiency. Thus, for 9 months of this year in the framework of tax and customs administration provided 794 billion tenge of additional revenues," the Minister said.

Receipts of transfers to the republican budget totalled 4.5 trillion tenge, including guaranteed from the National Fund in the amount of 2 trillion tenge.

Madi Takiyev paid special attention to the results of local budgets. Their own revenues were fulfilled by 115% and totalled 5.9 trillion tenge. The 127% growth was ensured by assigning to local budgets stable taxes that do not depend on external factors. As a result, this expands the financial autonomy of the regions and gives them the opportunity to address pressing issues.

State budget expenditures were executed by 95.6 per cent, republican budget - by 95.5 per cent, local budgets - by 97.4 per cent. The republican budget expenditures amounted to 16.7 trillion tenge, the priority of which remains the preservation of social orientation.

The state fulfilled the main social obligations: pensions and benefits in the amount of 4 trillion tenge, subventions to the regions - 4 trillion tenge, target contribution of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund 1.3 trillion tenge. Local budget expenditures totalled 10.1 trillion tenge. The main share of expenditures is also directed to the social sphere amounting to 5.2 trillion tenge or 51%. Expenditure on housing and utilities totalled 1.3 trillion tenge, agriculture 602 billion tenge, transport and communications 918 billion tenge.

One of the important components of budget execution is the public procurement process. More than 120 thousand suppliers and more than 24 thousand customers are registered on the web portal. The volume of public procurement at the end of 9 months of 2024 totalled more than 7.8 trillion tenge. In the past reporting period, the optimisation of budget funds through savings in public procurement amounted to 813 billion tenge," the Minister said.

Conducted 1.2 thousand audit activities to the amount of 6.7 trillion tenge of budget funds. Financial violations for the amount of about 260 billion tenge were identified. Violations for 214 billion tenge have been eliminated.

Work is underway to systematically reduce the share of government procurement from a single source through direct contracting. Thus, from 2017 to 2024, the share of such purchases decreased from 64 per cent to 23 per cent.

The Ministry will continue to work on improving the efficiency of management and utilisation of budget funds, state assets and quasi-public sector entities, including through the expansion of implemented digital tools.

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