04.03.2025, 20:24 2996

Real sector financing is to be increased in Kazakhstan

Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan - Minister of National Economy Serik Zhumangarin at the Government session reported on the planned measures to increase economic growth in 2025, primeminister.kz reports.

He noted that for this purpose in the current year and in subsequent years the Government will provide a significant increase in financing of the real sector of the economy.

In particular, the Government will increase the capital of Baiterek Holding by 1 trillion tenge, which in turn will allow the holding to finance projects worth 8 trillion tenge in 2025.

These investments will be used to create new projects in the country, which will lead to an increase in production capacity in the manufacturing industry and the creation of new high-productive jobs," Serik Zhumangarin said.

The speaker explained that support from Baiterek for business is not only to increase the volume of financing, but also to introduce new tools.

Deputy Prime Minister added that guaranteeing loans for business has proven to be an effective practice, including in other countries. Therefore, 2 guarantee funds will be created, one of them for SMEs.

The volume of loan guarantees and interest rate subsidies for SMEs will be increased. Already this year about 30 thousand SME projects worth 1.7 trillion tenge will be supported," Serik Zhumangarin informed.

In addition, the country will create a new fund to guarantee loans to large businesses. The guarantee fund for big business will solve the issue of sufficiency of collateral for large and strategically important projects. It will increase their number.

Emphasis in financing will be placed on the following sectors of the manufacturing industry, which have a high potential for creating competitive projects with a high export potential: metal processing, oil and gas, agro-industrial products, chemical industry, light industry, food production, construction materials, machine building, as well as IT, logistics, cargo transportation, tourism, anchor and infrastructure projects and cluster projects that form an ecological environment for SME development.

The government will also provide state guarantees for borrowing to improve the country's transport infrastructure, which will boost demand for domestic goods and services this year and accelerate economic growth. In subsequent periods, the initiative will increase transit and domestic transport volumes and generally boost business activity. State guarantees in 2025 will be increased by 1.9 trillion tenge, which will bring the coverage of construction works to 13.1 thousand km of roads (+3.6 thousand km) and 585 km of railways (+390 km).

Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan - Minister of National Economy also spoke about plans to attract investment. It is planned that additional volumes of investments in 2025 will be provided due to the start of the National Project on modernisation of Energy and Utilities Sector. The volume of investments under the National Project will exceed 13 trillion tenge over 5 years, with investments for infrastructure modernisation amounting to about 1.2 trillion tenge this year.

The national project will contribute to the growth of investment, as well as the emergence of new domestic goods and manufacturers whose products will be purchased in the construction of municipal infrastructure in the country. The implementation of the national project will reduce the wear and tear of infrastructure and improve its reliability," Serik Zhumangarin emphasised.

It was noted that the implementation of the national project will reduce the wear and tear of infrastructure, improve its reliability, as well as contribute to the growth of operational efficiency of natural monopolies and reduce losses of electricity and heat during transmission. In order to increase the share of domestic value within the framework of modernisation and construction of energy and utility infrastructure, work will be carried out to encourage the use of domestically produced goods. This approach will allow not only to increase domestic competitiveness, but also to create new jobs, reduce dependence on imports and increase the volume of domestic production.

Deputy Prime Minister also said that a record volume of housing commissioning would be achieved this year with at least 19 million square metres. He explained that these results would be achieved through initiatives covering everything from building new infrastructure and increasing mortgage lending to providing rental housing.

Initiatives aimed at increasing real sector financing alone will result in a significant increase in GDP this year, adding at least 2 percentage points to its growth. To monitor the timely implementation of the above measures, a Growth Operational Headquarters under my leadership has already been set up and is in place. All arising problems will be solved promptly and immediately, Serik Zhumangarin summarised.


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