21.02.2023, 12:48 38256

Supply of Kazakhstan’s oil to Germany delayed

Supply of Kazakhstan’s oil to Germany delayed
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Oil shipments from Kazakhstan to Germany via the Druzhba pipeline have not started yet, a source at KazTransOil JSC said Tuesday, Kazinform correspondent reports.

Shyngyz Ilyassov, Director of PR and Internal Communications Department of Kazakhstan's oil company, revealed that Kazakhstan had not supplied its oil via the Druzhba pipeline to Adamowo in Poland for further shipment to Germany.

Earlier Kazinform reported that Kazakh Energy Minister Bulat Akchulakov had announced the shipment of the first batch of Kazakhstan’s oil to Germany in the first half of February.

Vice Minister of Energy Askhat Khassenov later commented on the reports in some mass media claiming that the oil shipments from Kazakhstan to Germany had been delayed due to the shelling of the Druzhba pipeline.

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