15.06.2023, 16:26 45256

The short-term economic indicator inJanuary-May2023 was 104.5%

The short-term economic indicator in January-May 2023compared with January-May 2022 was 104.5%. Calculation of the short-term economic indicator is implemented to ensure efficiency and is based on the change in output indexes for basic sectors: agriculture, industry, construction, trade, transport and communications, constituting over 60% of GDP.

The number of registered legal entities as ofJune1, 2023 was 518924 units and compared with the corresponding period of the previous year increased by 5.9%, including 509868 units with less than 100 employees. The number of operating entities was 413299 including 404391 small businesses (less than100 employees).

The consumer price index in May 2023 compared to December 2022 was 104.8%. The food prices have increased by 5.6%, non-food - by 4.4%, paid services -by 4.0%. Prices of industrial products in May 2023 compared to December 2022 has decreased by 2.8%.

Per capita nominal income of the population estimated in April 2023 was 166981 tenge (preliminary data) which is 10.7% higher compared to April 2022, the real monetary income in April 2023 decreased by 5.2%.

The number of unemployed people estimated in May 2023 was 451.1 thousand people. The unemployment rate was 4.8% of the labor force. Number of persons registered with employment offices as unemployed at the end of May 2023 was 297.8 thousand people or 3.1% of the labor force.

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