04.10.2024, 14:20 356

Tourism investments 69% up in Kazakhstan

Tourism investments 69% up in Kazakhstan
For the past eight months capital investments in the tourism sector in Kazakhstan grew by 69% compared to the last year to reach 527.6 billion tenge, Kazinform News Agency learnt from the Tourism and Sports Ministry.

148 investment projects generating 2,500 new jobs in the regions will be developed by the yearend. The projects are called to improve the country's tourist infrastructure and to attract tourists.

The growth of tourism investments demonstrates high interest in boosting this strategically important sector. Providing destinations with the necessary infrastructure will make Kazakhstan more attractive for international and domestic tourists, head of the tourism industry committee Nurtas Karipbayev said.

64 infrastructure projects are being implemented in Kazakhstan to bolster the tourism sector of Kazakhstan and make travel more comfortable.

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