28.04.2023, 12:49 86246

Zhambyl region signs KZT317.8bln worth memorandums with foreign companies

Seven agreements with large foreign companies were signed, the administration says. Among them are investors from India, Singapore, Germany and Hungary
The administration of Zhambyl region and foreign companies signed a number of memorandums of cooperation on the sidelines of the Zhambyl Investment and Economic Forum 2023 in Taraz, Kazinform correspondent reports.

Seven agreements with large foreign companies were signed, the administration says. Among them are investors from India, Singapore, Germany and Hungary.

The total cost of the investment projects to be implemented in the region in the nearest outlook is 317.8 billion tenge. They are the projects on construction of a ferroalloy and concrete plants, a building materials factory, solar stations and an industrial-logistics park. There are also projects in food industry.

According to governor Nurzhan Nurzhigitov, Zhambyl region has a unique experience of a long-term partnership with large transnational companies of Germany, Turkiye, Singapore, China, India, France, South Korea and Japan.

The region has a number of advantages. With a moderate continental climate and fertile lands, Zhambyl region is ideal for the development of agriculture. This is one of the most favorable regions for the implementation of renewable energy projects. The region has a high transport and logistics potential with the possibility of interregional cargo transportation, handling domestic and international passenger traffic, and export of products to more than 17 countries of the world.

The region is rich in more than 200 minerals - ferrous metals and non-metals - barytes, coal and mineral salts. The region is a unique base of phosphorite and fluorspar raw materials.

As reported, ZHEIF 2023 is called to become a platform for establishing business contacts, exploring potential investment opportunities with foreign and republican enterprises and organizations. The goal of the forum is to form an investment, business and creative environment, further establish investment ties, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in various sectors of the economy, such as tourism, industry, digitalization and agriculture. Those participating in ZHEIF-2023 are the representatives of leading international and domestic companies, investors, experts and incluences, as well as representatives of sectoral ministries and heads of quasi-state companies.

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