12.07.2023, 07:57 133216

Eight-lane bridge coming across Esentai in Almaty under construction

The inspection of the bridge over the Esentai River along Al-Farabi Avenue determines that the bridge is in an emergency condition, the head of the Almaty City Mobility Department Sagyndyk Telibayev said.

In order to avoid traffic jams on the bridge, the number of lanes will be increased from six to eight - four in two directions. The bridge will be expanded due to new separate bridge structures for pedestrians and cyclists. Before the reconstruction, pedestrians moved across the bridge, which was unsafe, given that the speed along Al-Farabi Avenue is 80 km/h.

The reconstruction of the bridge structure will be carried out in three stages: now work is underway on the levelling layer, after that waterproofing will be carried out, and then asphalt pavement. In total, the bridge includes 96 beams. To date, 27 beams have been replaced," Sagyndyk Telibayev said.


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