12.09.2023, 17:19 37061

11 thermal power stations of Kazakhstan are in critical condition

11 thermal power stations of Kazakhstan are in critical condition
Images | primeminister.kz
The Commission for Economic Deregulation has held today a meeting for discussing the results of inspection of several thermal power plants of the country. Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov chaired the meeting, Kazinform learned from the government’s press office.

Prosecution authorities inspected 11 private TPPs for the compliance of legislation in heat power industry and natural monopolies and detected a number of violations. Equipment at each of the stations is in critical condition, which can lead to accidents during the heating season. Following the meeting, the authorized structures were tasked to talk to the owners of TPPs to carry out overhaul and modernization of the stations.

Alikhan Smailov tasked to compile a schedule of works for 2023-2024 and monitor its performance. In case of violation of the obligations, the TPPs will be withdrawn by the state, he said.go

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