02.07.2024, 16:43 18571

2 million hectares treated against locusts in Kazakhstan

2 million hectares treated against locusts in Kazakhstan
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In Turkestan and Zhambyl regions, protective measures against locusts are fully completed, primeminister.kz reports.

The current situation on locust control was considered at the regular meeting of the Republican operational headquarters chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin.

To date, chemical treatments have been carried out on an area of 2 million hectares, which is 77.4% of the projected volume.

Treatment against Italian pruce has been completed in Abay, Atyrau, East Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan and Kyzylorda regions. Work has started in Akmola and North Kazakhstan regions.

Due to heavy rains and strong winds last week in Aktobe and Kostanay regions monitoring and chemical treatments were suspended. Work will begin Wednesday-Thursday. The regions are provided with pesticides, additional equipment will be sent if necessary.

The entire border area with the Russian Federation in Aktobe oblast has been treated. Surveys on the borders of other regions are being conducted. On 1 July, during a telephone conversation between Serik Zhumangarin and Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Patrushev, it became known that from the Russian side the processing of the border areas with Kazakhstan was completed.

However, Serik Zhumangarin instructed regional akimats not to reduce the pace of work until the situation is fully stabilised.

The meeting also considered the progress of providing farmers with mineral fertilisers.

Recall that this year, on the instructions of the Head of State, measures have been taken to increase the volume of fertiliser application up to 1.5 million tonnes. This is 2.2 times more than last year. Since March, a mechanism of advance subsidies for domestic fertilisers has been implemented, where budget subsidies are transferred in advance to special accounts of producers to sell cheaper fertilisers to farmers.

According to regional akimats, contracts for the supply of 963,000 tonnes of fertilisers have already been signed, of which 855,000 tonnes have been shipped.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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