08.10.2024, 19:53 8096

52 billion tenge allocated this year for forestry firefighting equipment acquisition

52 billion tenge allocated this year for forestry firefighting equipment acquisition
Images | Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
At the Government session under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Yerlan Nysanbayev reported on the ongoing work to preserve and increase forest areas in Kazakhstan, primeminister.kz reports.

Over the past 5 years, the area of forest territories in the country increased by 267 thousand hectares. In general, this indicator has reached 5% growth. Measures are taken to increase funding for technical equipment of forest protection institutions and social support for forestry workers.

If last year 15.9 billion tenge was allocated from the republican and local budgets for the purchase of machinery and equipment, 526 units of fire-fighting and patrol equipment were purchased. This year, for the first time in the history of the country's forestry sector, 52 billion tenge has been allocated for the purchase of 1,384 units of firefighting equipment and 921 units of trailed and mounted equipment, including through leasing - 40 billion tenge. These measures will bring the equipment of forest protection institutions in the most fire-prone regions of the country up to 100 per cent," Yerlan Nysanbayev said.

In addition, 900,000 hectares of the state forest fund have been covered by early detection systems. As a result, the area of forest fires has been significantly reduced. Next year, a similar system will be introduced in the reserve ‘Semey Ormany’ at a cost of 3.1 billion tenge. 12 institutions of the Ministry and akimats will be equipped with it at the expense of leasing financing in the amount of 24 billion tenge.

Over the past four years, forest reproduction works have been carried out on an area of 651,000 hectares, including 413,000 hectares on the dried bed of the Aral Sea. Within the framework of works on greening of settlements, about 12 million saplings were planted during the mentioned period.

The increase in the volume of forest planting gave impetus to the development of forest nurseries. We reconstructed some of them and created new ones on the area of 1300 hectares. The data on the survival rate of plantations show that the existing forest nurseries are insufficient and the growing technology is outdated. In this regard, the country additionally needs to build 114 new and reconstruct one forest nursery," the minister added.

Akimats of the regions have started financing reconstruction of forest nurseries and equipping of forest protection institutions to the amount of more than 1 billion tenge since this year. To maintain the pace of forest planting, the country has a forestry fund, about 5.2 million hectares.

Akimats of regions need to conduct soil surveys for forest suitability and develop appropriate working projects. This will ensure the fulfilment of the Head of State's instructions and increase the forest area. This work will be under the control of the Ministry," Yerlan Nysanbayev emphasised.

In this regard, the Minister noted the need to carry out work on the collection of seeds to ensure their processing, storage, as well as the cultivation of more than 650 million seedlings.

Today in the reserve ‘Semey Ormani’ planting material is grown using Swedish technology with a closed root system. Its use increases the survival rate to 90 per cent, while reducing the growing time from two years to one year. This experience will be scaled up in the six regions most prone to forest fires.

The ministry has also initiated a number of new initiatives, one of which is the implementation of offset projects aimed at carbon sequestration.

Kazakhstan has the potential to implement offset projects. A Swiss company has launched a pilot project in Akmola region, which involves planting forests on an area of 14,500 hectares. Large global companies are also interested in participating in the creation of forest plantations in the country. The Ministry has prepared amendments to the legislation to enable the implementation of such projects on the territory of the state forest fund. This will give a new impetus to planting forests at the expense of investors," Yerlan Nysanbayev informed.

The Minister also reported on the ongoing work on forest reclamation of the dried Aral Sea bed. The country has thirty years of experience in scientific research on forest reclamation of the dried bed of the Aral Sea. During this period, forest planting works have been carried out on the area of more than 600 thousand hectares. To improve the quality and scientific support of the works, it is planned to open a branch of the Kazakh Research Institute of Forestry and Agroforestry in Kyzylorda.

In addition, work has begun on the creation of a new forest nursery directly on the dried bed. The planting material of this nursery will be more adapted to local conditions.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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