10.09.2024, 19:59 52276

85% of dual training students employed within 3 months - Atameken NCE

At the Government session under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov, measures to ensure the implementation of the message of the Head of State in terms of training of professional staff were considered. The Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Raimbek Batalov made a report on the topic, primeminister.kz reports.

As part of the development of dual training, the National Chamber coordinates interaction between enterprises and colleges, keeps a register of concluded agreements on dual training, trains mentors of enterprises. Thus, according to the Roadmap for the implementation of the dual training system, agreements have been concluded with 496 colleges and more than 7 thousand enterprises to train 75 thousand students.

From 2014 to 2024, under the coordination of NPP, dual training covered more than 208 thousand students, of whom 85% were employed in the first three months from the date of graduation. In 2025, it is planned to digitise the entire process of implementation and maintenance of the Register of dual training contracts with subsequent posting on the NCE website," Raimbek Batalov noted.

Since 2017, Atameken NCE has been maintaining the Register of training centres for vocational training. Unemployed citizens sent by local executive bodies at the request of employers are trained in training centres. Employers at the time of application undertake to hire the trained person, in case of refusal they reimburse the training costs. At the moment there are 583 educational organisations in the Register. 67% of them are established by business entities, of which 237 are attached to enterprises, 186 to colleges, 149 are independent training centres, 5 are attached to associations and 6 to universities.

To date, together with the Ministry of Labour, work is underway to digitize the process of maintaining the Register of Training Centres and its placement on the electronic labour exchange enbek.kz.

Digitisation of the Register of Training Centres will ensure transparency of the stages of entering the register, will automate the process of verification of training centres on the indicator of employment of the trained contingent and will reduce the time of entry of organisations into the register.

The National Chamber conducts annual surveys of business entities to identify staffing needs for the coming years. In 2024, almost 50,000 business entities were surveyed, of which 13,176 enterprises indicated a need for 130,562 specialists. The results of the analysis are used for the formation of the state educational order by both local and central state bodies.

Work is underway to improve data collection through the integration of information systems and simplification of the survey procedure.

As part of the presented SME development ecosystem, we propose to integrate us into the state system of the Register of recipients of state support measures. We propose to use the data that is generated in the Ministries of Labour, Education, Science and Higher Education, adding market expertise and analytics. This will allow us to create a complete picture of the labour market, carry out quality forecasting of the need for personnel and new professions, as well as contribute to "bringing out of the shadow," Raimbek Batalov summed up.


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