11.06.2024, 19:00 6986

Aizhan Bizhanova met with the population and business community of Almaty city

First Vice-Minister of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aizhan Bizhanova in Almaty held a meeting with representatives of the public and business, which addressed issues related to the modernization of markets, stabilization of prices for socially important products, elimination of intermediary schemes, etc, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

At the meeting with the population Aizhan Bizhanova reported that 14 markets of the city are included in the modernization roadmap. By 2024 it is planned to complete modernization of 6 markets, namely: "Asia", "Arystan", "Tausamaly", "Bereke", "Ushkonyr" and "Sary Arka". The remaining 8 markets, including "Batyr", "Saudakent", "Tulpar", "Tigrohaud", "Arlan", "Kenzhekhan-1", "Kenzhekhan-2" and "Zhibek Zholy" (second phase) are planned to be modernized by 2025.

During the meeting, entrepreneurs raised the problem of intermediary schemes in product pricing, expressing concern over excessive trade margins, which increases the cost to the end consumer and creates problems for retailers.

Aizhan Bizhanova emphasized the importance of identifying and suppressing the activities of unscrupulous intermediaries in the pricing chain.

Here it should be noted that the activities of the regional commissions have been reformatted and strengthened through the involvement of control and fiscal and law enforcement agencies. Today we continue to analyze electronic invoices. In this regard, I urge all interested parties to provide facts about violations in the pricing chain. The provided data will be transferred to the authorized body to take appropriate measures", - said Bizhanova.


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