24.11.2023, 16:52 69066

Alikhan Smailov demands to ensure timely commissioning of new medical facilities in rural areas

Alikhan Smailov demands to ensure timely commissioning of new medical facilities in rural areas
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov held a meeting on the implementation of the National Project "Modernization of Rural Health Care", primeminister.kz reports.

Within the framework of the national project, implemented in fulfillment of the instructions of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, it is planned to open 655 primary health care facilities in the regions. Among them are 257 medical stations, 238 medical assistant stations and 160 medical outpatient clinics. This year 99 facilities are under construction. As of today, 20 of them have already been completed, and work on the rest is still in progress.

In addition, the national project provides for the modernization of 32 multi-disciplinary central district hospitals with the opening of stroke centers, cardiology, intensive care, rehabilitation departments, as well as the provision of modern equipment.

Prime Minister pointed out that akimats of Karaganda, Zhambyl, North-Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, Kostanay and several other regions should accelerate the work on construction of new PHC facilities and ensure their commissioning by the end of the year.

Implementation of the national project is under control of the Government. The Minister and Akims of the regions need to intensify work in this direction," Alikhan Smailov said.


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