05.03.2025, 10:35 6056
Construction of 13 thousand km of motorways planned in Kazakhstan
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During the Government session, Transport Minister Marat Karabayev made a report on plans for the development of the road sector, primeminister.kz reports.
He noted that last year 12 thousand km of motorways were covered by repair works.
This year construction works are planned above the level of last year, it is 13 thousand kilometres. Of these, projects on 9.5 thousand kilometres are fully funded," Karabayev reported.
It was noted that for the remaining 3.6 thousand kilometres the issue of financing is being worked out with international financial institutions. These are new projects Zhezkazgan - Karaganda, Aktobe - Ulgaisyn, Atyrau - Dossor, bypasses of the cities of Saryagash, Rudny and Kyzylorda, as well as repair work on roads with a total length of 3.6 thousand km.
Currently, an agreement has been reached with IFIs to finance these projects. By the decision of the Coordinating Council for each project sources of financing have been identified, feasibility studies have been developed, tender procedures are being conducted to identify contractors under the terms of IFIs.
According to the Minister, in order to attract domestic companies to carry out construction works, the IFIs have revised the competitive conditions with the provision of preferences to our companies when participating in tenders. The measures taken allowed to increase the number of domestic companies participating in tenders. For example, for the project ‘Karaganda-Zhezkazgan’ the number of participating companies has reached 10, while before the change of conditions this number was no more than two. Contracting organisations will be identified for all the above projects in the second quarter of this year.
The second direction is infrastructure projects in the railway industry. Construction and repair works are planned for 5,000 kilometres of roads this year, of which 2.4,000 kilometres are financed. The remaining 2.6 thousand kilometres are planned as part of the implementation of the Head of State's instruction to develop the Trans-Kazakhstan railway corridor, given at an extended Government session.
In this regard, the following new projects will be implemented:
- Construction of a new line Kyzylzhar - Moyinty;
- Modernisation of the Altynkol - Zhetygen section with construction of double-track inserts and Beineu - Mangystau section with construction and extension of receiving and delivery tracks;
- Introduction of modern autoblocking systems on the Kyzylzhar - Saksaulskaya, Shalkar - Beineu, Kandyagash - Tobol, Alimbet - Nickeltau and Aksu - Degelen - Zhana-Semey sections;
- As well as the reconstruction of 53 railway stations.
Currently, the minister said, negotiations with international financial institutions are being held to secure financing for these projects.
In general, the implementation of these projects will achieve a total multiplier effect over 20 years in the form of tax revenues and other payments at the level of 11 trillion tenge. Implementation of the projects will provide contribution to GDP growth at the level of about 0.4%-1% in the period of 2025-2029," Karabayev said.
For all projects in April this year it is planned to start construction and installation work. The Minister dwelt separately on the reconstruction of railway stations. According to him, 5 railway stations have been reconstructed to date. By the end of the current year will be carried out repair of 53 more railway stations, including those for tourist destinations. Repair of the railway station area will be provided by local executive bodies in parallel.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
relevant news
05.03.2025, 17:38 3081
President tasks to enhance diversification of East Kazakhstan region’s economy
Images | Akorda
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Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has received today the governor of the East Kazakhstan region, Nurymbet Saktaganov, Kazinform News Agency learned from the Akorda press service.
According to the governor, over 400,000 square meters of housing were commissioned in the region and 46 new productions facilities were opened.
18 healthcare facilities were opened and another six were overhauled under the "Rural Healthcare Modernization" national project.
Five schools were commissioned under the Comfortable School national project, with seven more to be built to address the shortage of school places.
Together with the Otbasy Bank a regional preferential mortgage program has been launched to support the representatives of working professions.
By the end of 2026, the region plans to completely solve the problem of drinking water. Eight water supply projects worth 14 billion tenge will be implemented for this purpose.
In the nearest two years, local authorities plan to attract at least 1.5 trillion tenge of investment, to build 700 thousand square meters of housing, 28 social facilities and repair more than 600 kilometers of roads.
The President set a task to enhance the work in diversification of the region’s economy, expand the export of processed products and attract investment.
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev highlighted that priority attention should be given to tackling ecological problems and improvement of transport infrastructure.
Earlier, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev set a number of tasks to Ulytau region's governor Dastan Ryspekov, regarding transport and logistics capacity expansion, infrastructure modernization, quality provision of medical services, ensuring the safety of people's drinking water and addressing environmental issues.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
05.03.2025, 14:44 2881
President Tokayev gives instructions to Ulytau region governor Dastan Ryspekov
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President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev received governor of Ulytau region Dastan Ryspekov, Kazinform News Agency cites Akorda.
Tokayev was briefed about the outcomes of the social and economic development of the region as well as plans for the upcoming period.
The Kazakh President was informed that over the past year, Ulytau region posted an 8% growth in its industrial output. The region also saw construction and housing commissioning rise 28% and 30%, respectively.
According to Ryspekov, over 266 billion tenge worth of investments, of which private investments made up 89%, were attracted to the region in 2024. A 940bn tenge investment pool has been formed, with 17 projects worth 138 billion tenge are set to be implemented this year. Construction, trade and logistics, alternative energy sources and tourism are among the most attractive areas for investors.
The Head of State was also reported on the current heating season as well as the Taza Kazakhstan environmental campaign.
The President was briefed about the joint work with the government to ensure the safety of citizens engaged in hazardous industries. Ryspekov spoke about the assistance rendered to the family members of the miners killed in the recent accident at the mine operated by Kazakhmys Corporation.
During the meeting, Tokayev highlighted the importance to continue the work with major subsoil users to raise social responsibility of business.
Following the meeting, the President gave tasks to governor Ryspekov regarding transport and logistics capacity expansion, infrastructure modernization, quality provision of medical services, ensuring the safety of people's drinking water and addressing environmental issues.
Earlier it was reported that President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev had held a meeting with governor of Turkistan region Nuralkhan Kusherov.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
05.03.2025, 08:46 5616
Early financing of spring field work: more than 1.8 thousand agricultural enterprises receive funds for 206 billion tenge
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Minister of Agriculture Aidarbek Saparov reported at the Government session on the results of new approaches to financing the agro-industrial complex and plans to work in this direction, primeminister.kz reports.
He noted that in 2024, the introduction of favourable credit products at 5% per annum allowed farmers for the first time to get the opportunity to purchase in full the necessary inventory, as well as to lease a sufficient amount of agricultural machinery.
As a result, the area covered was 5.8 million hectares or 25 per cent of the total sown area, and 4.3 thousand units of Kazakhstan-made agricultural machinery were purchased.
By guaranteeing 85 per cent of the loan amount for IDA, access to concessional lending for small and medium-sized farmers with insufficient collateral was expanded. The launch of a programme of preferential lending to processing plants to replenish working capital for a total of 35 billion tenge was carried out.
This year the work in all these areas will be strengthened. Thus, the volume of preferential lending to the WPR will amount to 700 billion tenge. Taking into account the early financing of the sowing season of the current year, which started in November last year, today more than 1.8 thousand agricultural enterprises have already been financed for 206 billion tenge. This year it is planned to provide coverage of at least 8 million hectares of sown areas," Aidarbek Saparov said.
The Minister added that the organisation of preferential leasing to the amount of 200 billion tenge will allow to purchase 6 thousand units of agricultural machinery of domestic production.
It was also noted that an important factor in the availability of credit was the connection in 2024 SPK to the financing of the WPR.
Last year, 7 SPK attended this programme. Today, only 4 SPKs are actively participating in the programme. In this regard, we ask to instruct regional akimats to strengthen the work on financing of agrarians through SPKs," Aidarbek Saparov emphasised.
According to the department, direct subsidising of financial institutions will be introduced to expand the financing of the agro-industrial complex: 48 billion tenge will be allocated this year through ACC to support processing enterprises for the purchase of working capital.
It is also planned to launch a preferential product in the amount of 50 billion tenge to replenish working capital for livestock breeding, similar to the UDP.
In conclusion, the Minister of Agriculture stressed that a multiple increase in concessional financing of WPR allowed to exclude subsidising interest rates. This will allow a phased transition from subsidies to concessional lending and reduce the burden on the local budget.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
04.03.2025, 20:49 5616
In 2025, 98 projects worth 173.7 billion tenge planned to be implemented in water sector
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During the Government session, the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Nurzhan Nurzhigitov reported on the work carried out in the supervised sector, primeminister.kz reports.
As the Minister noted, in accordance with the Head of State's instruction, two strategically important documents were adopted in 2024: the Concept of Water Resources Management System Development for 2024-2030 and the Comprehensive Water Sector Development Plan for 2024-2028 aimed at large-scale modernisation of the country's water sector.
The plan consists of 160 diverse measures, the financing of which is envisaged at the expense of the republican and local budgets, as well as extra-budgetary sources. It provides for the construction of 42 reservoirs, reconstruction of 37 hydraulic structures and 14,000 kilometres of irrigation canals," Nurzhigitov said.
According to him, most of the allocated funds, namely 40%, will be used to restore and modernise irrigation canals. For the reconstruction of hydraulic structures, including automation and digitalisation, 51% of the total funding is provided. Thus, 91% of the total funds of the plan are aimed at modernisation and reconstruction of existing water facilities.
Realising the need for large-scale investments in the development of the water sector, in 2024, the ministry has carried out a lot of work to attract a loan from the Islamic Development Bank in the amount of $2.7 billion. The project is planned to be implemented in two stages: the amount of agreement of the first stage is $1.1 billion," Nurzhigitov informed.
Within the framework of the first stage, according to him, in 2025 it is planned to start construction of 4 new reservoirs in three regions of the country. Of them, Akmola, Kalguty, Karauziak, located in the south of the country, are aimed at covering water deficit during the growing season on the newly introduced irrigation area of 22.5 thousand hectares.
Construction of the Bolshoi Uzen reservoir in West Kazakhstan province is aimed at retaining flood and melt water and eliminating the threat of flooding of 2 settlements in Kaztalovsky district with a population of about 5,000 people.
In addition, within the framework of the first stage it is planned to reconstruct 4 operating reservoirs on the territory of two regions Ters-Ashchybulak and Karakonyz in Zhambyl region, Koksarai counter-regulator and Koskorgan reservoir in Turkestan region.
The Minister further noted that within the framework of reconstruction it is planned to modernise 115 canals with a length of more than 3.4 km with elements of digitalisation on the territory of 6 oblasts, as well as construction of a structure for recharging the Astana reservoir.
Also, at the end of the first stage, $140 million will be directed to the facilities of the State Enterprise Turan Su of Turkestan region and $186 million to the facilities of the State Enterprise Almatyoblvodkhoz of Almaty region.
The second phase envisages the implementation of 25 projects worth $1.6 billion, including 11 new projects, reconstruction of 13 existing water reservoirs and modernisation of more than 5,000 km of canals in 10 regions.
In 2025, it is planned to implement 98 projects worth 173.7 billion tenge, which is 73% more than the level of 2024, including 6.5 billion tenge at the expense of the EBRD, 24.4 billion tenge - IDB. In turn, at the expense of the envisaged funds in the amount of 70.8 billion tenge by the end of the year it is planned to complete 12 group water pipeline projects, which will provide 153 villages with quality drinking water with a population of 423 thousand people," Nurzhigitov said.
At the same time, he said, 52 settlements will be connected to the centralised water supply system. Also, the reconstruction of 3 reservoirs will be continued. These are Yntalinskoye in Zhambyl region, Kirovskoye in West Kazakhstan region, Kapchagai in Turkestan region and construction of the reservoir Baidibek Ata in Turkestan region, which during the growing season will additionally provide 68 million m3 of water, which will guarantee increased water supply to 6 districts of Turkestan region.
At the same time, the ministry plans to put into operation this year more than 1.9 thousand kilometres of irrigation canals with a suspended area of 256 thousand hectares at a total cost of 92.3 billion tenge.
Thus, the implementation of all planned initiatives, will make it possible to accumulate and save up to 10 billion cubic metres of water by 2030. In the long term, this will ensure water security of the country, increase agricultural productivity and support environmental sustainability," Nurzhigitov summarised.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
04.03.2025, 19:00 25396
New head of International Information Committee at Kazakh MFA named
Images | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan
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Aibek Smadiyarov has been appointed as the Chairman of the Committee for International Information- the official spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Kazinform News Agency reports.
Aibek Smadiyarov was born on July 7, 1983, in the South Kazakhstan region. He graduated from the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages in 2004.
He began his career in 2005 as a specialist in the administrative department of the Bank of China in Kazakhstan.
From 2006 to 2008, he worked as a specialist in the Consular Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan. From 2008 till 2010, he held the posts of Attaché and Third Secretary in the Ministry's European Department.
In 2010 - 2012, he served as the Third Secretary at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Hungary. In 2012 - 2013, he worked as an expert in the press service of the President of Kazakhstan. Subsequently, from 2013 to 2014, he was the First Secretary of the Committee for Foreign Policy Analysis and Forecasting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
From 2014 to 2018, he served as the Second and then First Secretary at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Vietnam.
Between 2018 and 2019, he helmed the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 2019 to 2023, he was the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for International Information and the Press Secretary of the Ministry.
Before the appointment as the Chairman of the Committee for International Information, he served as the Director of the Communications Department and Official Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan from June 2023.
He holds the diplomatic rank of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Envoy of II Class.
He is fluent in Kazakh, Russian, English, and Turkish.
As reported earlier, a new Vice Minister of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan was appointed.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
04.03.2025, 18:58 25646
Tokayev instructs to boost standard of living for residents of Turkistan region
Images | Akorda
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President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held a meeting on Tuesday with governor of Turkistan region Nuralkhan Kusherov, Kazinform News Agency cites the Akorda press service.
The Kazakh President was briefed about the outcomes of the social and economic development of the region for the past year as well as the plans for the upcoming period.
Tokayev was informed that the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) approved funding of 24 projects worth 135.5 billion tenge to restore irrigation facilities in the region. Construction of Baidibek ata reservoir is underway to ensure sustainable supply of water in Turkistan and six surrounding areas as well as the project of Boraldai reservoir is under development.
According to Kusherov, a focus is placed on cotton, corn and meat clusters, as five projects worth 197 billion tenge are slated for realization in the cotton-textile sector. The region has begun constructing a starch and molasses plant as well as implements the best practices to promote livestock farming.
Six projects with a capacity of 2.4GW are slated for realization to address a shortage of electricity in the region.
As Kusherov informed, this year, the region plans to construction 32 schools, carry out major repairs at 41 schools, commission 32 primary health care facilities as well as supply natural gas to 45 settlements.
Following the meeting, President Tokayev instructed the governor to maintain close interaction with the government to ensure quality implementation of the tasks set by the recently signed law granting a special status to Turkistan region.
Tokayev also set a number of tasks aimed at improving the standard of living of citizens, promoting tourism, agriculture, small-sized business and providing settlements with drinking water.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
04.03.2025, 17:43 5841
Oil and gas condensate production plan for 2025 is 96.2 million tonnes - Ministry of Energy
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Minister of Energy Almassadam Satkaliyev at the Government session reported on the work on the implementation of projects in the real sector of the economy and spoke about plans for oil and gas condensate production, primeminister.kz reports.
He noted that for 2025 the plan for oil and gas condensate production is 96.2 million tonnes, compared to last year is expected to increase by 9.7%.
The main increase is planned due to the implementation of the project of future expansion of the Tengiz field, which is planned to be launched in the 2nd quarter of 2025. Investments this year will be around $533 million.
At Karachaganak, work continues on the commissioning of the 6th crude gas reinjection compressor, which will maintain the production shelf at 11-12 million tonnes/year. Investments in 2025 will be around $144 million.
Work continues on the Kalamkas Sea and Khazar projects. In 2025, it is planned to complete FEED design, tender for EPC, and make the final investment decision (FID) for the Project. Peak oil production will be up to 4 million tonnes. Investment in the current year will be over $40 million.
The oil refining plan for 2025 is 17.6 million tonnes and petroleum product output is 14.6 million tonnes. In Q2 this year, the Caspi Bitum expansion project is scheduled to be completed from 500,000 to 750,000 tonnes per annum, which will increase the capacity of bitumen plants from 1.2 to 1.45 million tonnes per annum. Investments this year will amount to more than 21 billion tenge," Almassadam Satkaliyev said.
The Minister also said that in 2025 gas production is forecasted at 62.8 billion m3, compared to last year is expected to grow by 6.4%. In order to expand its own gas resource base, work is currently underway on the implementation of large GPP at Kashagan with a capacity of 1 billion m3 and 2.5 billion m3, as well as GPP in the city of Zhanaozen with a capacity of 0.9 billion m3. Investments in 2025 will amount to more than 100 billion tenge.
At the same time, the Barkhannaya field (Zhambyl region) with recoverable raw gas reserves of about 1.5 billion m3 is planned to be commissioned this year;
Gas supply of the country is one of the priority tasks of the Ministry. This year it is planned to bring the level of gasification of the population to 62.6%. For 2025, the decision of the Republican Budget Commission approved the allocation of 65.9 billion tenge to continue 45 projects," Almassadam Satkaliyev said.
The speaker added that the construction of the facility ‘Construction of AGDS "Finskaya-120" and Redut - AGDS "Finskaya-120" main gas pipeline branch in Atyrau region is expected to be completed. Implementation of the project will uninterruptedly supply natural gas to the population of the right-bank part of Atyrau city and industrial and social facilities.
At the same time, the construction of the Taldykorgan-Usharal gas trunkline is planned to be completed this year. Completion of the project will make it possible to supply 66 settlements of Zhetysu region with natural gas, covering a population of 124 thousand people.
Along with this, in April 2025 it is planned to start construction of the 2nd string of Beineu - Bozoi - Shymkent. Implementation of the project will provide gas to the population of the central and southern regions and start gasification of the northern regions.
The Minister of Energy also shared plans in the field of electricity generation.
It was noted that in 2025 electricity generation is expected to be 117.1 billion kWh, including RES 7.2 billion kWh. In the current year it is planned to commission about 166 MW of conventional generation, including:
- commissioning of turbogenerator No. 3 with a capacity of 130 MW at TPP Topar,
- commissioning of two gas turbine units with total capacity of 36 MW at Tekeli Energy Complex LLP.
It is also planned to commission 9 RES projects with a total capacity of 455.5 MW, including 5 WPP - 387.5 MW, 2 HPP - 28 MW, 2 SES - 40 MW.
The volume of investments in the above projects in the current year will amount to more than 180 billion tenge.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
04.03.2025, 15:54 24361
Construction of 4 water reservoirs to begin in 3 regions of Kazakhstan
Images | Depositphotos
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During the Government’s meeting, Kazakh Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Nurzhan Nurzhigitov, reported on the large-scale modernization of the country’s water management sector, Kazinform News Agency reports.
In 2024, the ministry has adopted two strategically important documents: the Concept for the Development of the Water Resources Management System for 2024-2030 and the Comprehensive Water Management Development Plan for 2024-2028. As part of the latter, the construction of 42 water reservoirs, reconstruction of 37 hydraulic structures, and 14,000 km of irrigation canals are planned," Minister Nurzhigitov stated.
He noted that the construction of new water reservoirs is set to begin in 2025.
Under the first stage, we plan to start the construction of four new water reservoirs in three regions of the country in 2025. In particular, the Akmola, Kalguta, and Karaozek reservoirs, located in the south, will help address water shortages during the growing season for newly irrigated areas of 22,500 hectares. The construction of the Big Uzen reservoir with a capacity of 28 million cubic meters in the West Kazakhstan region is aimed at retaining flood and meltwater, preventing flooding in two settlements in the Kaztal district, where approximately 5,000 people live," Nurzhigitov explained.
In addition, the first phase includes the reconstruction of existing water reservoirs.
The reconstruction of the Teris-Ashchybulak and Karakonyz water reservoirs in the Zhambyl region, as well as the Koskorgan and Koksaray counter-regulator reservoirs in the Turkistan region, is planned. Furthermore, 115 irrigation canals, totaling 3,452 kilometers, will be modernized with digitalization elements in six regions: Almaty, Zhambyl, Zhetysu, West Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, and Turkistan. A facility to replenish the Astana water reservoir is also planned," the minister added.
According to him, the second phase will involve 25 projects.
The second stage includes the construction of 11 new water reservoirs, the reconstruction of 13 existing ones, and the modernization of over 5,000 km of canals in 10 regions: Almaty, Abai, East Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, Atyrau, Zhetysu, Pavlodar, Turkistan, and Zhambyl regions," concluded Nurzhigitov.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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