05.03.2025, 10:35 6056

Construction of 13 thousand km of motorways planned in Kazakhstan

Construction of 13 thousand km of motorways planned in Kazakhstan
During the Government session, Transport Minister Marat Karabayev made a report on plans for the development of the road sector, primeminister.kz reports.

He noted that last year 12 thousand km of motorways were covered by repair works.

This year construction works are planned above the level of last year, it is 13 thousand kilometres. Of these, projects on 9.5 thousand kilometres are fully funded," Karabayev reported.

It was noted that for the remaining 3.6 thousand kilometres the issue of financing is being worked out with international financial institutions. These are new projects Zhezkazgan - Karaganda, Aktobe - Ulgaisyn, Atyrau - Dossor, bypasses of the cities of Saryagash, Rudny and Kyzylorda, as well as repair work on roads with a total length of 3.6 thousand km.

Currently, an agreement has been reached with IFIs to finance these projects. By the decision of the Coordinating Council for each project sources of financing have been identified, feasibility studies have been developed, tender procedures are being conducted to identify contractors under the terms of IFIs.

According to the Minister, in order to attract domestic companies to carry out construction works, the IFIs have revised the competitive conditions with the provision of preferences to our companies when participating in tenders. The measures taken allowed to increase the number of domestic companies participating in tenders. For example, for the project ‘Karaganda-Zhezkazgan’ the number of participating companies has reached 10, while before the change of conditions this number was no more than two. Contracting organisations will be identified for all the above projects in the second quarter of this year.

The second direction is infrastructure projects in the railway industry. Construction and repair works are planned for 5,000 kilometres of roads this year, of which 2.4,000 kilometres are financed. The remaining 2.6 thousand kilometres are planned as part of the implementation of the Head of State's instruction to develop the Trans-Kazakhstan railway corridor, given at an extended Government session.

In this regard, the following new projects will be implemented:

  • Construction of a new line Kyzylzhar - Moyinty;
  • Modernisation of the Altynkol - Zhetygen section with construction of double-track inserts and Beineu - Mangystau section with construction and extension of receiving and delivery tracks;
  • Introduction of modern autoblocking systems on the Kyzylzhar - Saksaulskaya, Shalkar - Beineu, Kandyagash - Tobol, Alimbet - Nickeltau and Aksu - Degelen - Zhana-Semey sections;
  • As well as the reconstruction of 53 railway stations.

Currently, the minister said, negotiations with international financial institutions are being held to secure financing for these projects.

In general, the implementation of these projects will achieve a total multiplier effect over 20 years in the form of tax revenues and other payments at the level of 11 trillion tenge. Implementation of the projects will provide contribution to GDP growth at the level of about 0.4%-1% in the period of 2025-2029," Karabayev said.

For all projects in April this year it is planned to start construction and installation work. The Minister dwelt separately on the reconstruction of railway stations. According to him, 5 railway stations have been reconstructed to date. By the end of the current year will be carried out repair of 53 more railway stations, including those for tourist destinations. Repair of the railway station area will be provided by local executive bodies in parallel.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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