04.02.2025, 13:29 90171

Digital solutions implemented in road construction quality control in Kazakhstan

Director General of the National Centre for Quality of Road Assets Bolatbek Aitbayev reported at the Government session on the work on expertise of quality of roads, primeminister.kz reports.

He said that by the end of 2024 the enterprise's coverage of quality expertise was 100% on the republican network of roads, 99% on the local network. 47 thousand samples of materials were tested. Instrumental inspection and diagnostics were carried out on 22 thousand kilometres of highways.

In general, comparing the results of 2023-2024, there is a positive dynamics of improving the quality of motorways. The coverage of the local network in 2023 was 89%, in 2024 increased to 99%. There has been a 16% reduction in non-conforming road construction materials and defects. There was a 5% reduction in the volume of non-compliant works being re-installed. The pavement evenness improved by 5% due to average repairs based on the results of diagnostics. These indicators have resulted due to timely decisions," Bolatbek Aitbayev said.

The speaker also said that in order to minimise the human factor, the company develops and implements digital technologies of quality control. One of such solutions is a system of automatic recognition of road surface defects, based on the principles of artificial intelligence. This allowed to reduce the time of diagnostic data processing from 4 days to 4 hours for every 100 kilometres. The enterprise has created a unified portal of departmental expertise. It ensures transparency and control of business processes and reliable storage of documents. The portal allowed reducing the number of required documents from 15 to 5, the processing time from 3 months to 15 days and increasing the number of expert examinations 5 times.

The KazRoadLab information system was introduced, which displays all quality expertise processes and automates testing of road construction materials. Data from the equipment is automatically uploaded into a single system ensuring transparency and eliminating the human factor.

The development of the information system ‘Control of executive documentation’ for medium repair projects is being finalised. This system automates the processes of control over the maintenance of executive documentation and eliminates the commissioning of facilities without the required permits.

Director General of the National Centre for Quality of Road Assets RSE also spoke about other measures taken to improve the work. In particular, according to him, in order to fully cover the expertise of the quality of roads, legislative amendments have been developed and adopted by the Majilis of the Parliament.

Regarding the prohibition of commissioning of objects in the presence of unremoved remarks, this norm has been introduced and is already in force on the objects of medium repair. On construction projects, the norm is provided for in standard contracts, in parallel, amendments are being made to the law," Bolatbek Aitbayev explained.

It was noted that in terms of strengthening control over the quality of work carried out, the following measures have been taken:

  • 13 normative and technical documents have been updated;
  • developed rules for the minimum number of tests of materials within the framework of quality expertise, which will strengthen the incoming control of the materials used;
  • the work of technical supervision is constantly monitored. In 2024, more than 250 violations were identified, as a result, the SACC suspended 19 engineers' certificates and imposed fines for 53 million tenge;
  • testing laboratories were opened in Abay and Ulytau regions. About 200 units of modern equipment were purchased.

In addition, problematic issues on quality improvement measures and ways to solve them were also highlighted. In particular, it was reported that documentation on medium repairs is not always properly maintained. To eliminate this problem, the system ‘Control of executive documentation’ is being introduced. This year it is planned to pilot implementation of the system in Karaganda and Akmola regions, as well as in Astana city, and full implementation is planned in 2026.

There is also a shortage of qualified road specialists in local Akimats. In most cases, the customers of road projects are employees of the departments of public utilities. To solve this problem, it is necessary to create a service of project management consultants, consisting of road engineers, in each region.

In addition, the rules for certification of technical supervision experts do not provide for the speciality of ‘road construction’. Experts working in the construction of gas and oil pipelines, civil and industrial facilities, as well as in other spheres are authorised to carry out supervision at road facilities. In order to organise technical supervision in the road sector at the proper level, it is proposed to introduce the transport construction specialty.

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