06.09.2023, 08:18 69366

General layout of Konayev city presented to President Tokayev

General layout of Konayev city presented to President Tokayev
Images | Akorda
As Director of LLP Urbostil Lyubov Nyssanbayeva informed the President, the design area of Konayev city will reach 19,000 hectares by 2025, and population will make 200,000 people, Kazinform reports via Akorda.

As per the new general layout, a new cultural and public center will be built on Zhana Ile area. Social, cultural, housing, educational and recreational facilities will be opened there.



More than 20 thousand jobs will be created in core clusters and enterprises of the city. This will enable to increase the number of small and medium businesses and employ over 30 thousand people.

Governor of Almaty region Marat Sultangaziyev presented to the Head of State a project on landscaping the city’s embankment. In his words, a 1,000-meter long promenade will be built which will be expanded to 3,000 meters in future.



Special attention will be given to the digitalization of the region, Sultangaziyev said.

Thus, the region is implementing a project on high-speed internet connection of 67 social facilities and on laying a fiber-optic communication line with a total length of 104 kilometers for further implementation of 5G project.

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