24.07.2024, 14:45 48661

Heating plants less than 50% operational in N Kazakhstan

Heating plants less than 50% operational in N Kazakhstan
Images | Akorda
A roadmap to prepare for the heating season has been developed in North Kazakhstan region, governor Gauez Nurmukhambetov said, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Nurmukhambetov stressed that following the heating season operations centers were established as well as work was commenced to ensure boilers and engineering networks remain suitable for operation.

The necessary funds amounting to over 3 billion tenge was allocated to finance the measures taking into account the risks. Technical inspections of heat supply facilities were conducted to assess their operational suitability, which revealed that only 43% of the heating plants are suitable for operation, he stated.

It was informed that the region’s heating companies have earmarked 5 billion tenge for repairs and reconstruction of heat supply networks and substations.

Nurmukhambetov instructed his deputies to take all the facilities undergoing repairs under special control and report on any progress once in 10 days.

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