04.09.2023, 14:22 25966

Kanat Bozumbayev appointed Advisor to President of Kazakhstan

By a presidential decree, Kanat Bozumbayev has been appointed the Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akorda reports.

Born on January 8, 1969, Kanat Bozumbayev is a graduate of the Kazakh State Management Academy with a major in Economic and Social Planning.

Throughout his career, Bozumbayev worked for several large companies of Kazakhstan, such KazTransOil, KEGOC, Samruk Holding, and governmental structures. Thus he was Vice Minister of Energy, Industry and Trade of Kazakhstan (1998-2001), Governor of Zhambyl region (20009-2013), Governor of Pavlodar region (2013-2016), Minister of Energy (2016-2019). In December 2019, he was appointed the Aide to the President of Kazakhstan. In November 2021, he was named the Governor of Almaty region and held this position until June 2022.

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