29.04.2024, 19:03 52331
Kazah PM Bektenov hails flood control measures in W Kazakhstan, urges to protect Atyrau next
Images | Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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Kazakh Priem Minister Olzhas Bektenov chaired an operational meeting on the flood situation in the west of the country, Kazinform News Agency cites primeminister.kz
The head of the Kazakh government set a task before the administration office of Atyrau region to reach the highest possible level of protection of Atyrau city and settlements from the arriving floodwaters.
The government assigned to carry out work modelled on the work conducted in West Kazakhstan region, where it was possible to move past the peak of flooding without large-scale destructions.
Up to 11 thousand people and around 2 thousand pieces of equipment have been deployed in West Kazakhstan region as part of the flood control operations. Temporary barriers with a length of around 150km have been erected as well as 1,300 thousand sack tares have been laid.
According to the administration office, residents of 909 houses have returned to their homes as of today. Over five thousand heads of cattle have been moved to safer areas.
Regionwide, 1,672 families have received a one-time compensation payment worth 100 monthly calculation indexes.
The flood situation is stabilizing. The region moved past the high water mark. Here, it is worth noting the coordinated work of all units deployed. Thanks to joint efforts, it was possible to prevent flooding of 84 settlements as well as mitigate the aftermath of the floods in the region. As of now, there is no risk of flooding of houses, said Bektenov.
The task at hand is to prepare Atyrau region. The water level of the Zhaiyk River (Ural) rises on a daily basis. Around 100cm is left for the river to pass the danger mark.
Currently, high water is coming to Atyrau region, with the peak expected in the coming days. It is necessary to mobilize all forces, use the experience of West Kazakhstan region to attract additional forces from other regions. It is important to conduct an hourly monitoring of the water level, increase the length and height of protective dams, said the Kazakh premier.
As of now, over 13 thousand people and up to 1,200 pieces of vehicles are deployed in the flood control operations in Atyrau region. Over 500km of dams, including 242km along the residential areas in Atyrau city, have been built and up to 4.8 million sack tares have been laid. Dredging works are underway at the mouth of the river and in the Caspian Sea, with 1,408m have been dug out and 11,538 cubic meters of soil removed.
In conclusion, the head of the Kazakh government pointed out that the country has past the danger of flooding for the most part.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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14.03.2025, 09:07 4931
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulates Kazakhstanis on Amal Kuni
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President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev heartily congratulated today all Kazakhstanis on the Amal Kuni (Day of Greetings), Kazinform News Agency learnt from the Akorda press service.
The Head of State wished all Kazakhstanis good health and well-being on Amal Kuni, the herald of the Nauryz holiday.
He said on this day people usually meet family members and close ones, the elders give the youth their blessings. Since ancient times, our people cultivated such merits as amiability, generosity and compassion in the younger generation through such traditions. In modern Kazakhstan all this is reflected in the Adal Azamat concept.
The Head of State noted that today the unique tradition of korisu (greeting) celebrated before the Nauryz Meiramy is reviving nationwide. He expressed confidence that it will contribute to strengthening unity and solidarity of our people.
In conclusion, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev wished all happiness and joy, good health and wellbeing.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
13.03.2025, 20:55 3546
Kazakhstan eyes expanding protected area coverage
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Kazakhstan seeks to expand the coverage of its protected areas to 12.5% of the country’s total territory, Daniyar Turgambayev, chairman of the forestry and wildlife committee, said during a press conference on Thursday, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.
Currently, the country is developing a draft biodiversity conservation concept to comply with the Convention on Biological Diversity, targeting expanding protected area coverage to 12.5%, which presently stands at 11.3%.
Kazakhstan eyes creation of six protected areas, including Aral and Zhaiyk forest reserves, nature reserve in the floodplain of the Irtysh River, Tunkinskiy National Park, Merkenskiy Regional Park, Kyzylkum reserve as well as expansion of Ustyurt, Karatau, Akzhaiyk and Ili-Balkhash nature reserves, said Turgambayev.
According to him, 2.8 million tourists visited the country’s protected areas in 2024, 400,000 more than in 2023.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
13.03.2025, 17:19 4501
Olzhas Bektenov checks implementation of President's instructions on creation of nuclear cluster in Abay region
Images | primeminister.kz
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Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov within the framework of his working trip to Abay region checked the progress of implementation of the Head of State's instructions on the development of energy and creation of nuclear cluster, given at the enlarged Government session in January this year, primeminister.kz reports.
During a flight over the territory of the former Semipalatinsk test site, the head of the Government inspected the facilities of the test site Balapan, including Atomic Lake and mine launchers. Prime Minister also got acquainted with the work of the research nuclear reactor Baikal-1, the world's first specialized tokamak (toroidal chamber with magnetic coils), visited the National Nuclear Centre, where he held a meeting on energy security. During his working trip Prime Minister familiarised himself with the measures taken for the socio-economic development of the city of Kurchatov. In particular, on restoration of housing stock, modernisation of engineering infrastructure, etc.
On the territory of Baikal-1 complex Olzhas Bektenov was reported on the key areas of research of nuclear reactors, conducted at the facility. Attention was paid to the work of research reactor IVG.1M, used for scientific developments in the field of nuclear power and energy technologies. An important milestone is the completion of the conversion of the IVG.1M reactor to low-enriched fuel. This initiative is fully supported by the IAEA. In the course of the conversion, the reactor complex systems were substantially modernised, which contributes to the further development of scientific initiatives aimed at the peaceful use of atomic energy and the enhancement of the country's technological and energy independence. The Prime Minister emphasised that it is necessary to develop the existing potential and provide all-round support to scientists in solving the strategic task. Modernisation of the IVG.1M reactor will be completed in the near future to achieve its design characteristics.
During the inspection of the unique experimental thermonuclear installation tokamak KTM Prime Minister familiarised himself with the main equipment and results of the ongoing research. This is the first specialised installation of such level in the world, put into operation for the last 10 years. The tokamak is designed for fundamental and applied research in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion, testing of materials for reactors. Experiments on plasma discharge research and materials testing are conducted here, which is an important direction for the development of thermonuclear technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the office of the National Nuclear Centre (NNC), the head of the Government was reported on key projects in the peaceful use of atomic energy. The Centre is a leading research organisation specialising in nuclear safety, nuclear power and radiation ecology. The issues of further scientific research, development of international cooperation, as well as training of highly qualified specialists were covered. Olzhas Bektenov emphasised the importance of continuing research in the region, aimed at restoring the ecological balance.
A meeting on energy security was also held here under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister. Deputy Minister of Energy Sungat Yesimkhanov, Managing Director of the National Wealth Fund ‘Samruk-Kazyna’ Ernat Berdigulov, Director General of the National Nuclear Centre RSE Erlan Batyrbekov reported on preparations for the construction of Kazakhstan's First Deputy Minister of Energy.
The Ministry of Energy is developing a Strategy for the development of the nuclear industry until 2050, which will cover plans for the construction of subsequent nuclear power plants and the development of other areas necessary for the effective implementation of the nuclear energy programme. In addition, together with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, a draft Comprehensive Plan has been developed to train highly qualified personnel for the construction, operation and maintenance of NPPs on the basis of domestic universities, colleges and the Institute of Nuclear Physics State Enterprise. Approaches to the development of a science city on the territory of Kurchatov were also heard.
Head of State has set us an important task to develop the energy sector and create a nuclear cluster. Kazakhstan is a leader in uranium exports with a 43% share in the world market. We have experience in using research reactors and powerful scientific potential. The transition to a full nuclear fuel cycle will ensure progress in all sectors of the economy," Olzhas Bektenov said.
At the end of the meeting, the Head of the Government gave a number of instructions to the leadership of the relevant departments.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
13.03.2025, 16:48 3931
President Tokayev meets with EU Commissioner Jozef Síkela
Images | Akorda
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President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of Kazakhstan held today a meeting with European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jozef Síkela, Akorda reports.
While greeting the high-ranking official, Tokayev highlighted that Kazakhstan attaches priority importance to comprehensive cooperation with the EU - a key foreign economic and investment partner of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan remains a key partner of the EU in Central Asia, with the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement providing a solid foundation for deepening our multifaceted interaction, said the Kazakh leader.
In turn, European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jozef Síkela thanked the Kazakh President for the meeting and noted that the EU pays great attention to the region.
It’s my first important mission as European Commissioner for International Partnerships. My decision to tour the five Central Asian countries is not an accident, which is clearly confirmed by the EU’s intention to ensure deeper and more sustainable interaction with Kazakhstan and other nations of the region, said Jozef Síkela.
The interlocutors also discussed a number of practical issues of bilateral agenda with a focus on the existing and new economic projects aimed at developing transport corridors, logistics infrastructure, sustainable energy and digital solutions.
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Jozef Síkela also exchanged views on the ongoing issues of regional and global agenda, pledging mutual readiness for further coordination of approaches on the global scene, including within the Central Asia - European Union format.
As it was reported, the European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jozef Síkela, is visiting Central Asian countries from March 12 to 18 to strengthen the EU-Central Asia cooperation ahead of the upcoming EU-Central Asia Summit.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
13.03.2025, 12:44 4156
President Tokayev backs creation of supercomputer cluster and introduction of AI solutions
Images | Akorda
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Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has received Thomas Pramotedham, the CEO of Presight, Kazinform News Agency learned from the Akorda press service.
The sides discussed the issues of furtner strengthening cooperation in high-performance computing, digital transformation and implementation of advanced technologies in Kazakhstan.
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted the importance of development of digital infrastructure and highlighted strategic importance of creation of supercomputer cluster in the country.
Thomas Pramotedham informed Kassym-Jomart Tokayev about the course of implementation of this project.
Special attention was given to the localization of technologies and attraction of Kazakhstani companies to the participation in joint projects.
The CEO of Presight highly praised the level of competencies of domestic IT companies and reaffirmed intention to enter into a long-term partnership with them.
The meeting also focused on the prospects of Smart City project launched in partnership with the Astana Mayor's Office. The Head of State expressed support to the introduction of AI solutions for urban infrastructure management. He highlighted the establishment of a situation center on the ground of AlemAi International AI Center called to improve the efficiency of municipal services.
The President pointed out the need to continue cooperation within the key initiatives aimed at digital transformation and technological development of Kazakhstan.
As it was reported, on Wednesday evening, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held a phone talk with his Finnish counterpart Alexander Stubb. The sides discussed the current state and prospects for promoting bilateral cooperation, confirming mutual commitment to further expand trade and economic as well as cultural and humanitarian ties.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
13.03.2025, 09:16 4716
Olzhas Bektenov holds meeting of Republican headquarters on coordination of flood control measures
Images | primeminister.kz
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Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov held a meeting of the Republican headquarters for coordination of flood control measures and elimination of consequences of the flood period, primeminister.kz reports.
Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Yerlan Nysanbayev reported on the hydrometeorological situation in the regions. Minister for Emergency Situations Chingis Arinov, Minister for Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry Zhaslan Madiyev made a report on the results of modelling the flood situation in the Tasqyn system, Minister for Water Resources and Irrigation Nurzhan Nurzhigitov reported on the situation on water bodies, Minister for Emergency Situations Chingis Arinov reported on the readiness of forces and means to respond to possible floods. On measures taken in the regions to prevent flooding of settlements reported Akims of Akmola, Kostanay region, Aktobe, Aktobe, West Kazakhstan, Atyrau regions.
As of 13 March, the area of the country covered with snow is 67%. Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Yerlan Nysanbayev reported that melting has already begun in Kyzylorda, Turkestan, Zhambyl region, West Kazakhstan, Atyrau and Mangystau regions. At the same time, maximum soil freezing is observed in the north-west, north-east and centre of the country: in Kostanay region - up to 150 cm and more, Akmola region up to 139 cm, Pavlodar region up to 159 cm, Karaganda region up to 132 cm. According to forecasts, March and April are expected to be warm, accompanied by heavy precipitation in most of the country, which increases flood risks.
This year for the first time Kazhydromet has issued detailed information for each region, indicating the maximum levels of water flow, the volume of runoff at hydrological posts and the definition of settlements at risk. Analyses of the factors shaping the spring floods made it possible to identify flood-prone regions. In the high risk zone are East Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Akmola, North Kazakhstan, Kostanay, Kostanay, Aktobe regions and Abay, Ulytau regions; medium risk are Almaty, Zhetisu, Zhambyl regions, West Kazakhstan and Atyrau regions.
In order to reduce the risk of waterlogging, authorised bodies conducted visits to flood-prone settlements in Akmola, West Kazakhstan, Ulytau, Karaganda and North Kazakhstan regions, and instructions were given to take prompt action.
At present, the Ministry for Emergency Situations has determined a grouping of forces and means of civil protection services consisting of more than 37 thousand people, 13 thousand units of equipment, more than 4 thousand water pumping and 640 units of swimming means. Aircrafts of the Ministry for Emergency Situations are on round-the-clock duty. In addition, a reserve of Ministry for Emergency Situations forces and means with a total number of about 1 thousand employees, 120 units of equipment of various purposes, 123 water pumping and 39 units of swimming means has been prepared.
The Head of State has instructed to prioritise preventive flood control measures. The Government is taking organisational, preventive, engineering, technical and operational measures aimed at preventing and eliminating the negative impact of floods. Regions should be in high readiness mode.
Akimats should take exhaustive measures to prevent flooding of settlements. They should be all bunded and protected first of all from steppe waters. The culverts, bridges and tubing should be cleared of ice and debris and ready for the passage of melt water. River channels must be cleaned and reinforced. Narrow places on steppe rivers should be widened.
It is necessary to prepare a grouping of forces and means, including appropriate equipment in settlements subject to waterlogging. Determine places of evacuation and equip them with all means of life support," Prime Minister stressed and gave a number of instructions.
The Ministry for Emergency Situations together with relevant government agencies has been assigned the task to ensure round-the-clock monitoring of the flood situation in the country. In case of complication of the situation it is necessary to take measures to introduce additional forces and means, to determine possible options for their actions.
Akimat of Atyrau region taking into account the high risks on the rivers Zhem and Kigach was instructed to take necessary measures to protect settlements located along the water bodies.
The Ministry of Culture and Information together with the responsible bodies was instructed to intensify awareness-raising activities.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
12.03.2025, 10:34 6936
AI-Sana business acceleration programme for startups to be launched in Kazakhstan
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Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek reported on the scientific potential of the republic and work on digitalisation of this sphere at the Government session, primeminister.kz reports.
He noted that since the creation of the Ministry, the President has instructed to strengthen the impact of science on the economy and integrate it with innovation. At the 2022 session of the Academy of Sciences, specific instructions were given to bring science to a new level. These instructions formed the basis of the Concept of Development of Higher Education and Science for 2023-2029 and the new Law on Science and Technology Policy. At the last enlarged Government session, special attention was paid to the targeted use of allocated funds.
The main directions of science in Kazakhstan are realised within the framework of the Concept of development of higher education and science for 2023-2029. The main task is the transition to Science and Technology Policy oriented to the practical needs of the economy and society. The concept includes a new model of science management, strengthening of intellectual potential, development of university science, commercialisation of applied research and its results, as well as the development and digitisation of infrastructure," Sayasat Nurbek explained.
The Minister added that a list of 70 by-laws has been approved as part of the implementation of the Law ‘On Science and Technology Policy’. The law introduced an international methodology for determining the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) to improve and support scientific developments at all stages. Instruments for the development of the science commercialisation ecosystem have been considered, and the Science Fund has been given new functions: acceleration of scientific projects, technological business incubation, technological intermediation and venture financing.
From 1 January 2025, the role of regional science has been strengthened - local executive bodies have been given powers to implement Science and Technology Policy. Tax incentives, project subsidies and co-financing mechanisms were introduced to encourage enterprises to finance R&D. A new open model of science is being formed, oriented towards applied research and solving industrial problems. It was noted that today the scientific potential of our country amounts to 25.5 thousand scientists, 46 per cent of whom are specialists under the age of 40. There are 425 organisations operating in the field of science.
Now grant competitions are held annually, earlier they were held once in 3 years. In addition, the mechanisms of state support have been expanded: grants for postdoctoral students and young scientists, financing of commercialisation of developments, direct financing of fundamental institutes, foreign internships, and megagrants have been introduced. Currently, 264 scientific and technical programmes, more than 2.3 thousand scientific projects and 208 commercialisation projects are financed. More than 1.4 thousand scientists have undergone scientific internships abroad," Sayasat Nurbek said.
The minister added that thanks to grant competitions for young scientists, more than 2,000 researchers were able to implement 835 projects. It was also noted that the republic is working to strengthen scientific infrastructure. Competitions have been announced to finance special scientific programmes in partnership with enterprises to create technoparks and engineering centres with modern laboratories on the basis of universities.
The first 4 programmes were launched in the largest national universities in 2023. As a result, 10 laboratories, 5 spin-off workshops and 3 startups were opened," Sayasat Nurbek emphasised
According to him, from 2024, priority is given to the development of regional university infrastructure. In 2024-2026, 5 programmes for the creation of scientific and educational centres of excellence in the regions have been launched. A total of 17 programmes are planned to be implemented. The main task is to create infrastructure for training, approbation of scientific developments, certification of knowledge-intensive products, creation of conditions for the development of innovative projects at enterprises. In this regard, co-operation between industry and science is one of the key areas.
In addition, the country organised scientific and technical sessions to implement the decisions of the Higher Scientific and Technical Commission (HSTC). The purpose of the sessions is to identify priorities in science and technology, meet the needs of the real sector, strengthen the interaction between science and business, and commercialise export-oriented innovative products. In 2024, 7 sessions were held, in 2025 - 2. By the end of the year it is planned to hold 15 sessions with agro-technical enterprises, Ulba Metallurgical Plant, KazMunaiGas and Kazakhmys. The sessions discussed scientific and industrial issues, developed prototype solutions and prepared technical specifications for programme funding. Based on the results of the meetings, the SNA approved 11 technical specifications, which is 10 per cent of all scientific and technical projects. There are plans to increase this figure to 15-20 per cent.
A new model for determining scientific priorities is being formed. The goal is to transfer all S&T assignments approved by the Scientific and Technical Committee into this format. For this purpose, heads of large corporations and national companies were included in the Scientific and Technical Council," Sayasat Nurbek informed
Together with the Technology Policy Council, RTD's activities will be coordinated in the field of innovation policy and digitalisation. The Law ‘On Science and Technology Policy’ reformatted the work of the Science and Technology Policy Council, allowing the introduction of mechanisms to integrate scientific research into the real sector and strengthen the interaction between science and business.
The Minister also added that the quality and demand for domestic scientific research has increased, and export-oriented production based on the developments of Kazakhstani scientists has been established. For example, the technology developed by the Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Processing at Satbayev University has increased the added value of selenium. The first batch with a net profit of 1.3 billion tenge was exported. This technology made it possible to produce products that meet the world standards of non-ferrous metallurgy.
The Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Enrichment at Satbayev University continues to work on the study of rare metals. An agreement was reached with South Korean scientific institutions to establish a joint research centre by attracting investments. The Korean side plans to equip the new centre with innovative equipment, retrain personnel, and introduce advanced technologies for the production of knowledge-intensive products.
Sayasat Nurbek also spoke about the results of work on commercialisation of scientific projects. In particular, he noted that since 2016, the Science Foundation has held 6 competitions aimed at commercialisation of scientific developments.
It is important that for the last 3 years neither funding nor co-financing was allocated for commercialisation. We have resumed this work and increased commercialisation grants. The total contribution of the projects to the economy was 118.4 billion tenge. Several thousand jobs were created," Sayasat Nurbek said.
It was noted that grant funding for commercialisation demonstrated high demand and the importance of public investment. The volume of funding for these competitions exceeded the average indicators of some regional and macro-regional venture capital funds. As a result, the Science Foundation has been able to establish itself as an institution that consistently supports deep tech projects.
The main change is the introduction of a mechanism to support not individual projects, but groups of projects by industry. International experience shows that this approach helps to sustainably build a portfolio of projects, increase capitalisation and facilitate market entry.
In this direction, the Science Foundation has gradually transformed itself and started to develop venture mechanisms. This will allow venture capital funds, including international ones, to invest by attracting private capital. This approach is aimed at sharing risks between the state and private investors, accelerating technology transfer and creating an ecosystem for startups in knowledge-intensive industries. To this end, the Science Foundation will launch a technology intermediation mechanism.
According to the department, negotiations with domestic and foreign partners will be finalised and a number of venture capital initiatives will be launched in the first half of this year. The signing of an expanded memorandum of understanding with Saudi Arabia under the National Technology Development Programme and structuring of a joint venture fund has been initiated. This fund will provide high potential for commercialisation and scaling of DeepTech projects in international and local markets. The partnership will ensure the launch of Kazakhstani projects in the Middle East market, joint development of DeepTech solutions and technology transfer. Government participation in venture funds will stimulate the inflow of private capital, create a leverage effect of at least 1:1, increase the share of private investors in the future, as well as strengthen market mechanisms for project selection.
The Minister also said that Kazakhstan is developing a programme ‘AI-Sana’, which will provide business acceleration to startups interested in the application of artificial intelligence. It is noted that the programme provides business acceleration to startups interested in the application of artificial intelligence in various fields. The main source of intellectual capital will be the leading universities in the country's regions.
This year 650,000 students will take special courses on artificial intelligence and in the second stage 100,000 students will take courses prepared jointly with Paul Kim, Chief Technology Officer of Stanford Graduate School of Education. By the end of the year, we plan to form 1-1,500 start-up teams in the field of artificial intelligence," Sayasat Nurbek emphasised.
According to the ministry, the Science and Technology Policy Law establishes the authority of local executive bodies (LEBs) to manage and dispose of science. As part of the instructions given by the President of Kazakhstan at the meeting of the National Council on Science and Technology, the regions are taking active measures to develop science.
In particular, in order to strengthen regional management of science, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has developed methodological recommendations on the development of regional science and financing of applied scientific research at the expense of the budgets of regional educational institutions. Explanatory letters were sent to akimats and specific instructions were given. Amendments were made to the Budget Code and the possibility of financing scientific research from local budgets was considered. As a result, scientific councils have been established at all akimats and priority areas of scientific research have been identified.
Also, Kazakhstan is creating a digital data ecosystem in science. The Science and Technology Policy Law provides for the formation of a unified digital infrastructure for collecting, processing and analysing information. At the heart of this ecosystem is a digital science portal, which will become a single window for scientists, research institutes, universities, government agencies and experts.
In co-operation with the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, individual modules have been introduced on the basis of the information system Single Window of the National Innovation System. The automated information system State Centre for Scientific and Technical Expertise was upgraded, which fully automates competitive procedures for funding scientific activities from priority setting to allocation of funds. Integration with state and international databases accelerates the provision of public services.
Further development of the system includes the creation of a national scientific and analytical system, automation of data collection and processing, and expansion of the functionality of digital services for science management. The Digital Science Portal ensures accessibility and transparency of information in the field of science. It is expected to become an open data platform, contributing to the development of science, as well as improving the interaction between scientists, business and the state. To date, basic analytical modules have been developed to speed up the search for scientific information and improve its accuracy. The state service Accreditation of subjects of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activity has been automated, which has reduced bureaucratic procedures by 50%. The process of accepting applications for scientific grants is fully automated. This has halved the service time and improved resource allocation. Every year the system processes 5,000 applications for 92 competitions.
More than 11 thousand experts have been registered in the expert database of the State Centre for Scientific and Technical Expertise, and 53 thousand applications have been received through the system. This made it possible to automate the identification of related persons, reduce risks by 80% and increase the objectivity of the inspection. The work of national scientific councils has been optimised, and 525 online meetings have been held. The review period was halved and 100 per cent transparency was ensured, increasing the efficiency and objectivity of decisions.
The process of awarding prizes and scholarships has been digitised, increasing the efficiency of the Academy of Sciences. The system processed more than 1,4 thousand electronic applications, of which 324 were approved. Automation has reduced the time of reviewing applications by 1.5 times and created a digital trail of expertise.A digital module including monitoring of scientific projects and objects has been launched. This eliminated the risk of falsification of acts and made it possible to analyse the success of TOP projects. A total of 3.5 thousand projects and 292 subjects were checked. This year it is planned to digitise the database of financing of research and development works of subsoil users. This system will automate the accounting of 1% of production costs and ensure transparency of research funding for industrial enterprises.
There are plans to strengthen cooperation by digitalising the interaction between science and business. In this direction, new projects based on artificial intelligence will be launched to automate the distribution of applications, selection of experts and identification of related parties," Sayasat Nurbek added.
In addition, a system of automatic generation of documents will be introduced. This will optimise the tender processes, including the approval of scientific and technical assignments, financial statements, priority areas, increase the efficiency of data processing and reduce the administrative burden.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
11.03.2025, 17:37 29611
Ministry of Trade and Integration: Monitoring shows no negative impact of single time zone on people's livelihoods
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The Government session paid attention to the issue of time zone. Minister of Trade and Integration Arman Shakkaliyev reported on the results of monitoring the practical impact of the transition to a single time zone on public health, energy consumption and labour productivity. Comprehensive monitoring was conducted with the involvement of the expert community, research institutes in the field of medicine, neuroscience, biophysics, genetics, astrophysics, physiology, deputies of maslikhats of all levels and stakeholders, primeminister.kz reports.
The results of the analysis showed that the transition to a single time zone does not have a negative impact on key indicators of the population's life activity. More than 40 metrics were studied, including the impact on health, energy consumption, labour efficiency, student performance, road traffic accidents and crime rates. The comprehensive approach included data analyses, surveys and comparisons of pre- and post-transition metrics.
Additionally, the Minister said that in a number of districts of East Kazakhstan region (Katon-Karagai, Markakol, Ulken Naryn, Zaisan, Tarbagatai, Samara, Kurchum) deputies of maslikhats supported the initiative to adjust the working schedule. Now it is from 8:00 to 17:30, which was positively assessed by the residents.
It is noted that the results of monitoring in early March this year submitted to the party faction in the Majilis.
As you know, the Head of State instructed the Government and Parliament to constructively consider this issue and jointly make a balanced decision. As noted in the report of the Minister, monitoring showed the absence of negative effects from the decision to introduce a single time zone," Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov noted and instructed to organise relevant work together with the Majilis of the Parliament.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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