29.04.2024, 19:03 52326

Kazah PM Bektenov hails flood control measures in W Kazakhstan, urges to protect Atyrau next

Kazah PM Bektenov hails flood control measures in W Kazakhstan, urges to protect Atyrau next
Images | Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakh Priem Minister Olzhas Bektenov chaired an operational meeting on the flood situation in the west of the country, Kazinform News Agency cites primeminister.kz

The head of the Kazakh government set a task before the administration office of Atyrau region to reach the highest possible level of protection of Atyrau city and settlements from the arriving floodwaters.

The government assigned to carry out work modelled on the work conducted in West Kazakhstan region, where it was possible to move past the peak of flooding without large-scale destructions.

Up to 11 thousand people and around 2 thousand pieces of equipment have been deployed in West Kazakhstan region as part of the flood control operations. Temporary barriers with a length of around 150km have been erected as well as 1,300 thousand sack tares have been laid.

According to the administration office, residents of 909 houses have returned to their homes as of today. Over five thousand heads of cattle have been moved to safer areas.

Regionwide, 1,672 families have received a one-time compensation payment worth 100 monthly calculation indexes.

The flood situation is stabilizing. The region moved past the high water mark. Here, it is worth noting the coordinated work of all units deployed. Thanks to joint efforts, it was possible to prevent flooding of 84 settlements as well as mitigate the aftermath of the floods in the region. As of now, there is no risk of flooding of houses, said Bektenov.

The task at hand is to prepare Atyrau region. The water level of the Zhaiyk River (Ural) rises on a daily basis. Around 100cm is left for the river to pass the danger mark.

Currently, high water is coming to Atyrau region, with the peak expected in the coming days. It is necessary to mobilize all forces, use the experience of West Kazakhstan region to attract additional forces from other regions. It is important to conduct an hourly monitoring of the water level, increase the length and height of protective dams, said the Kazakh premier.

As of now, over 13 thousand people and up to 1,200 pieces of vehicles are deployed in the flood control operations in Atyrau region. Over 500km of dams, including 242km along the residential areas in Atyrau city, have been built and up to 4.8 million sack tares have been laid. Dredging works are underway at the mouth of the river and in the Caspian Sea, with 1,408m have been dug out and 11,538 cubic meters of soil removed.

In conclusion, the head of the Kazakh government pointed out that the country has past the danger of flooding for the most part.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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