04.07.2024, 15:55 15746

Kazakh Culture Center to open in Beijing

The Kazakh Culture Center will open in Beijing, China, Kazakh Culture and Information Minister Aida Balayeva told journalists on the sidelines of the SCO summit in Astana, Kazinform News Agency reports.

In an interview in a mobile studio of the Jibek Joly/ Silk Way TV channels, the Minister touched upon two aspects. The first is that cultural cooperation agreements were signed as part of the state visit of the President of China Xi Jinping. In particular, for the first time ever in the history of Kazakhstan-China relations China’s Culture Centre will open in Astana and Kazakh Culture Center will open in Beijing. The law on the mutual establishment of culture centers was already ratified.

The Minister said the Kazakh Culture Center is called to further promote Kazakh culture, art and history of Kazakhstan. She added the country’s SCO chairmanship and cooperation with the SCO member countries contribute to tackling several issues.

The Minister said yesterday the Presidents of Kazakhstan and China confirmed that cooperation between the two countries embarked on a brand-new level, a new stage of cooperation. All depends primarily on how state bodies will work and contribute to further strengthening and deepening of relations. All the agreements in the sphere of information and cinematography will soon yield results through specific projects.

Aida Balayeva also focused on the quality of content, the development of content in the state language, and raising people’s media literacy.

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