03.05.2024, 21:45 137121

Kazakh national identity card's design to be changed from Jun 1

Kazakh national identity card's design to be changed from Jun 1
The Ministry of Internal Affairs drafted an order to introduce changes to the identity crads of the nationals of Kazakhstan. The document was published on legalacts.egov.kz portal, Kazinform News Agency reports.

According to the document, gender information will be indicated on the front side of ID cards henceforth

As before, the front side will include a citizen’s photo, a signature, family name, first name and patronymic (if any), birthdate and Individual Identification Number.

On the reverse side, at the top of the document, there will be the Individual Identification Number encoded as a barcode, and citizenship information

The draft order will be open for public discussion until May 21, and the new rules are planned to come into force on June 1.

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