12.09.2024, 17:42 80056

Kazakh PM Bektenov: Major businesses need to exercise their social responsibility

Kazakh PM Bektenov: Major businesses need to exercise their social responsibility
Images | primeminister.kz
Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov held a meeting of the Council of Domestic Entrepreneurs with the participation of Atameken Chamber of Entrepreneurs and representatives of large businesses, primeminister.kz reports.

The main purpose was to discuss current issues of entrepreneurship development and consider measures for further cooperation in the implementation of tasks set by the President in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan "Fair Kazakhstan: law and order, economic growth, social optimism".

Olzhas Bektenov noted that the state is working hard to improve the investment climate, unlock the country's industrial potential, solve infrastructure problems and develop the real sector of the economy. In turn, big business plays an important role in the technological and innovative development of the country, creates opportunities for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Representatives of the energy, manufacturing, oil and gas sectors, mining and metallurgical complex, agro-industrial complex, transport and financial sector, healthcare, IT, tourism made proposals during the discussion. The issues of support for domestic manufacturers were raised with a focus on new projects in such priority areas as deep processing of metals, oil and gas chemistry, and others.

Special attention was paid to the development of in-country value. The Government together with Atameken is developing a new methodology for determining the share of kazsoderzhdeniye in goods, works and services. Olzhas Bektenov emphasised that the new mechanism will be fairer and will give a serious impetus to the development of domestic enterprises. The relevant structures have been instructed to speed up the ongoing work.

The issues of expanding the use of artificial intelligence systems and the development of digital technologies were considered. The importance of developing tourism, housing and utilities, green finance aimed at implementing environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and low-carbon projects was emphasised.

During the discussion, attention was paid to the issue of providing the country with a stable energy supply. Business representatives expressed their support for the Head of State's initiative to develop nuclear energy and noted that in conditions of energy capacity shortage, a new source of constant energy is needed for further development of industry and commissioning of new facilities. Thus, in case of a positive decision on the construction of a nuclear power plant at the referendum on 6 October this year, the country will be able to cover the energy needs of current and prospective industries, create new jobs, etc.

Summarising the results of the meeting, Prime Minister noted that in order to achieve the tasks set by the President it is necessary to actively involve business in the development of the real sector of the economy.

The Head of State is actively pursuing comprehensive modernisation of Kazakhstan. It is important that economic growth directly affects the quality of life of our citizens. At the same time, big business should show social responsibility. As you know, the President has declared next year the Year of Working Professions. We already have successful examples when big businessmen take patronage over colleges and create a proper base for training specialists. This model also allows enterprises to train their future personnel. Within the framework of the Year of Working Professions it is necessary to intensify such practice," Olzhas Bektenov emphasised.

The need to develop entrepreneurship in rural areas and provide year-round employment of rural residents was noted.

Head of the Government instructed the relevant ministries to study the proposals voiced by business. In particular, to consider the possibility of introducing a reduced tax rate on income on loans for green projects, improving incentives for farmers to develop domestic seed production, reducing the purchase of imported goods and services in case of availability of domestic analogues.

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