05.06.2024, 14:14 44391

Kazakhstan bans sale of energy drinks to persons under 21

Kazakhstan bans sale of energy drinks to persons under 21
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Kazakhstan is introducing ban on sale of energy drinks to persons under 21 in accordance with the draft law "On amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on gambling, lottery and lottery activities" which was passed by the Parliament’s lower chamber Majilis in the second reading, Kazinform News Agency reports.

At the plenary session of the Majilis, Deputy Yelnur Beissenbayev raised an issue of selling energy drinks to minors, stating that "they [energy drinks] became more dangerous than alcohol." In his words, gambling-addicted persons are the main consumers of energy drinks.

According to the Financial Monitoring Agency, more than 200,000 minors gamble regularly today.

Energy drinks turned out to be more dangerous than alcoholic beverages. A ten-year-old child can easily buy energy drinks. In the fulfillment of the President’s instruction, the sale of energy drinks to persons under 21 has been prohibited in Kazakhstan," he said.


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