20.12.2023, 13:22 69256

Kazakhstan renews uranium exports record

For the past 10 months Kazakhstan processed uranium exports reached 2.46 billion US dollars that is one third more as compared to the previous year, Kazinform News Agency has learnt from the national statistics bureau.

This January-October Kazakhstan exported the most uranium to China up to 922.7 million US dollars that is 2.2 times more against 2022. 28% of exports fell on October up to 258 million US dollars that is 9 times as compared to last October.

For the past 10 months, Kazakhstan’s uranium exports to Russia approached 1.2 billion US dollars (+72% year-on-year). An increase in uranium exports to China and Russia overcompensated a decrease in exports to Canada. Over the past 10 months deliveries to Canada made 168.5 million US dollars (- 70% year-on-year).

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