12.12.2023, 13:04 42631

Kazakhstan to build 1,300 km of railways next 3 years

Kazakhstan to build 1,300 km of railways next 3 years
Kazakhstan is situated in the centre of the Eurasian continent. The main routes from the West to the East are running through Kazakhstan, Kazinform News Agency quotes the Kazakh President as saying.

Kazakhstan is situated in the centre of the Eurasian continent. The main routes from the West to the East are running through Kazakhstan. The quality of the roads is the principles of the economics of the country. We constantly develop highway and railway networks," the Head of State said addressing the Altyn Sapa Prize solemn awarding ceremony.

The Head of State said this year will build over 850 km of roads. Over the next three years, 1,300 km of railways will be laid throughout Kazakhstan.

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