21.06.2024, 18:54 81441

MTI RK: the first meeting of the working group to consider the time zone petition was held

MTI RK: the first meeting of the working group to consider the time zone petition was held
Images | Ministry of Trade and Integration
Today, 21 June, at the site of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan held the first meeting of the working group to consider the petition regarding the time zone, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

The working group included members of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the initiator of the petition, representatives of public associations and expert community, representatives of the Ministries of Health, Energy, Agriculture, Transport, Emergency Situations, Labour and Social Protection, Trade and Integration and other state bodies.

All representatives of the petition author's side spoke at the meeting. In particular, Aset Nauryzbaev, a member of the Public Council of Almaty, named two main reasons for the petition to gain 50 thousand votes:

The first is the disruption of circadian rhythms, in a country as large as ours one common time zone cannot be close to the natural rhythm of people. The second is that an extra hour of time in the evening results in costs to individuals and businesses. We must get closer to the natural circadian rhythms", - he believes.

However doctor of medical sciences, professor of the department of general biology and genomics of ENU named after Gumilev Bek Zhetpisbaev, on the contrary, noted that since March of this year Kazakhstanis began to live in accordance with the natural time and now there is a process of adaptation.

Adaptation to stress has its certain types and stages, they were defined by the Canadian scientist Hans Sellier. The first stage is the stage of anxiety. Yes, we are faced with the impact of a physical factor on the body. However, our biorhythms adapt to the new factors and our biological clock is running. We are all different and the process of adaptation proceeds differently", - said the professor of the Department of General Biology and Genomics.

Evgeny Yan, a psychologist and representative of the petition author's side, believes that along with the advantages of the transition to a single time zone - such as simplification of logistics and transport, convenience for business and simplification of communications - the disadvantages are disruption of human biorhythms and reduction of labour productivity. The psychologist believes that in order to improve public health and reduce social tension, it would be an appropriate solution to transfer time to optimal time zones.

In turn, Sultan Tleukhanov, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Head and Professor of Biophysics and Biomedicine at Al Farabi KazNU, cited the example of China, which has applied uniform time throughout the territory. According to him, the majority of the population - both students and adults - switch off the light at around 10pm and get up at 6am. This practice is widely used around the world.

The first meeting of the working group was constructive, all representatives of the petitioner's side spoke and the arguments of experts from both sides were heard. All aspects of the discussion were recorded by video and audio recording. The issues and arguments raised at the meeting will be scrutinised for further discussion at the next meeting.

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