13.06.2024, 08:08 29116

NSC prevents 1 terrorist attack in Kazakhstan, convicts 26 people for terrorism

NSC prevents 1 terrorist attack in Kazakhstan, convicts 26 people for terrorism
Images | Polisia.kz
Since early 2024, the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan has prevented one terrorist attack in the territory of the country and convicted 26 people for terrorist and extremist activities. This was announced at June 12 meeting of Kazakhstan’s Anti-Terrorist Center held by NSC Chairman Yerlan Sagimbayev, Kazinform News Agency reports.

151 foreign nationals involved in extremist and terrorist activities were not allowed to enter the country in the reporting period. 19 foreigners were brought to liability for importing banned religious books.

356 anti-terrorist drills were held countrywide.

The personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Security Committee inspected more than 3,000 facilities vulnerable to terrorism, including public areas.

The meeting discussed the issues of eliminating the threat of penetratiion of foreign radicals, preventing extremism and terrorism, as well as anti-terrorist protection of vulnerable facilities.

The heads of the ministries of culture and information, tourism and sport, education and several regions reported on the progress in countering extremism and terrorism.

The meeting also discussed the measures to strengthen interaction between government agencies as part of ensuring security of important socio-political events in the country.

The meeting ended with a number of decisions taken to further improve the national system of countering extremism and terrorism.

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