Olzhas Bektenov discusses tax reform and answers topical questions with entrepreneurs of North Kazakhstan region
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In Petropavlovsk, a meeting of Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov with the business community was attended by about 60 representatives of various sectors of entrepreneurship, including both large agricultural producers and managers of industrial enterprises, as well as representatives of SMEs, micro-businesses and IEs, primeminister.kz reports.
Opening the meeting, Olzhas Bektenov said that the main purpose of the meeting was to thoroughly discuss approaches to fiscal reform, as well as to provide answers to questions that cause disagreement in society.
Head of State emphasised that any changes in the tax system, first of all, affect business, but the state is interested in ensuring a stable investment climate.
At the moment it is necessary to work on increasing the revenue part of the budget. In previous years there was a low level of development budget. The earlier decision to reduce tax rates and introduce numerous exemptions led to a budget imbalance, with government expenditures significantly exceeding revenues," Olzhas Bektenov said.
Possible scenarios for balancing the budget are limited. One option is to use the National Fund to cover the deficit, but this approach carries the risk of its rapid depletion. An alternative way is to reduce social spending, which accounts for 60% of the state budget. However, as the Prime Minister emphasised, Kazakhstan is a social state and will fulfil its obligations.
The optimal option is to work with the revenue side of the budget: adjusting tax rates and reviewing tax regimes," Olzhas Bektenov said, noting that the Government is following this approach. The upcoming changes are expected to achieve budget balance and strengthen the country's economic sustainability.
The head of the Government noted that the funds will be reinvested in the economy, aimed at supporting business and infrastructure development. They will not be directed to the expansion of the state apparatus.
Our task is to create conditions for sustainable growth of business and economy. Additional budget revenues will be used to finance projects that business itself will propose. Without modern infrastructure - energy sources, heat and electricity networks - business will not be able to develop. Capacity constraints often become a barrier to the implementation of new projects," Olzhas Bektenov explained.
Deputy Minister of National Economy Azamat Amrin told the meeting participants about the details of the tax and budget reform. In particular, about differentiated VAT rate: the basic rate of 16%, 10% for certain industries, 0% for agro-industrial complex, as well as about reforming a number of special tax regimes and lowering the threshold for VAT registration.
The dialogue with businesses was held in a question-and-answer format. Those wishing to do so raised topics related to the further development of the industries taking into account the planned reforms. The moderator was the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs ‘Atameken’ Raimbek Batalov.
Thus, Sergey Domaev, General Director of ‘Severny Broiler Poultry Farm’ LLP, Chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR Sergey Domaev touched upon the issues of tax regulation of agricultural enterprises.
The main suppliers of means of production are VAT payers. VAT exemption will have a positive impact only if this measure is applied along the whole chain - from the producer to the end consumer - and should be applied to a nomenclature group of goods, not to a business entity. It is important to look into this issue in more detail," Sergei Domaev said.
Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to work out the proposal and take into account the issues of tax administration of agricultural products, as well as goods of NWPT.
General Director of the JSC Plant named after S.M. Kirov Almas Nurmagambetov in his speech noted the results of measures taken by the Government to support domestic producers. Thus, the plant signed a 5-year contract with KTZ, which is a serious reason for further improvement of quality and increase in production turnover.
In terms of tax reform Almas Nurmagambetov voiced a proposal to possibly establish an interim rate of 10% for domestic commodity producers in industry.
In his comments, Prime Minister emphasised that the draft of the new Tax Code already contains a number of measures aimed at stimulating the production of products with high added value. One of the key support tools is the reduction of the corporate income tax (CIT) rate for manufacturing industries, including electronic and industrial products.
The government is setting the tone and prioritising: companies engaged in deep processing and development of new types of finished products will receive tax breaks. At the same time, exports of raw materials and low-value-added products will be subject to higher taxes," Olzhas Bektenov explained.
In general, the Government is actively working on measures to support domestic producers.
We have made significant progress in the issue of protection of domestic production in public procurement and procurement in the quasi-public sector. The list of goods that must be purchased exclusively from Kazakhstani producers has been increased 3 times," the Prime Minister said.
In addition, the state is introducing a system offtake-contracts, which provide long-term orders for Kazakhstani enterprises. All national companies included in Samruk-Kazyna, Baiterek and other funds are obliged to increase the share of purchases from domestic producers.
This is an important measure of state support, which will allow to develop national production and strengthen the position of Kazakh enterprises," the head of the Government concluded.
On behalf of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses spoke Chairwoman of the Business Women's Council at Atameken NPP Asel Eszhanova. She raised a question, worrying the budding entrepreneurs, women's business, especially in rural areas, about the alleged risks of closure of many business entities.
Prime Minister explained the issue of retail tax at the rate of 4%, which will continue to operate. For example, convenience stores will not be subject to VAT at the rate of 16%, they will continue to pay retail tax. According to the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan, the B2C base rate for retail tax is 4%. The retail regime should live up to its name of selling to the public only.
Retail tax, it's like it was for retail, for any shop, these are the examples you mentioned, retail is traded. No one will deprive you of these benefits. There should be a clear understanding," Olzhas Bektenov emphasised.
Director of Raduga LLP Dmitry Sharapaev also voiced proposals regarding measures to differentiate the tax. They include exemption from tax for waste disposal companies, as well as lowering the rate for recyclers of recyclable materials.
Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with relevant state organisations to study the proposal in detail, as this direction in the country is developing slowly.
In turn, individual entrepreneur in the field of light industry Aliya Basheeva raised the topic of taxation of imported raw materials. An important issue of false enterprises, which under the guise of their own products sell goods purchased abroad in finished form, was voiced.
I believe that light industry is an industry that is vital for our country. If we buy everything abroad, it does us no honour," Aliya Basheyeva said.
Regarding false manufacturers is a serious problem in our country, when under the guise of production is actually imported: glued the label that "made in Kazakhstan" and get all the privileges as for Kazakhstani goods. We are just now working in this direction. The bill is in Parliament. I think that with its adoption, we will largely solve this problem," Olzhas Bektenov answered the question.
This issue will also be further elaborated by the responsible ministries.
At the end of the meeting the director of limited partnership ‘Zenchenko and K’ Gennady Zenchenko made a speech.
As for taxation, we heard today. How many different undercurrents we have, how many of these shops, IEs, peasant farms, which are trying to avoid taxes by any means, we know about it very well. But we already see today, we have only just started talking about the Tax Code, and the prices have already gone up. These are not just words, as they say, scare someone. But people are already preparing. They may be right, because tomorrow, they realise, they will be asked for it. That's why we need to be quick, less discussions, we need to be specific, the manager to the accountant: "Are we OK with it? It's fine. Work." Our region has always been in the vanguard. So you can always rely on us. With reason we will do everything to make our state rich and our people happy," Gennady Zenchenko said.
The results of the discussion were summarised by the moderator of the meeting.
Business has expressed its concerns, business has expressed its proposals. We see that almost all industries, without exception, want a differentiated rate. This is obvious from every single business, so, of course, it is a difficult task. We have to think very carefully here. We are now doing a lot of serious work with all the regions as part of a working group - the National Chamber together with the ministries of economy and finance. We are not just collecting proposals, not just emotions, the most important thing is calculations. We are now doing these calculations with the Institute of Economics and the Ministry of Economy. I think that in the last week or two we will summarise everything," Raimbek Batalov said.
Prime Minister thanked all participants for a constructive dialogue.
We receive a lot of proposals, options for solving certain issues. All of them will be taken into account. Next week we have to enter the Parliament with our version of amendments to the Tax Code, and further discussion will continue on the platform of the Majilis. I think the business community will take the most active part there. It is in our interests, as the Government, that we eventually adopted a balanced, balanced decision, which will not drive anyone into the shadows, will not crush tax burden, but will allow businesses to develop, while providing a certain financial liquidity to the state," Olzhas Bektenov summarised.
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