17.03.2025, 15:37 5781

Olzhas Bektenov holds meeting on fulfilment of President's instructions voiced at IV meeting of National Kurultai

Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov held a meeting on the implementation of the President's instructions, announced during the IV meeting of the National Kurultai on 14 March this year, primeminister.kz reports.

Head of State in his speech at the IV National Kurultai defined the vector of development of the country for the near future in the sphere of domestic policy and economy. Attention was paid to many important issues related to economic growth, implementation of major infrastructure and energy projects, digitalisation and human capital development. The main thing is to qualitatively implement the President's instructions," Olzhas Bektenov stressed.

The approaches of the ministries to realise the set tasks were heard.

Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of National Economy Serik Zhumangarin reported on the work on creating new points of economic growth and eliminating imbalances in regional development, development of fair and efficient tax system, improvement of tax administration. In accordance with the Head of State's instruction, a draft Concept of Regional Policy for 2025-2030 and a separate law on the development of border territories will be developed.

Energy Minister Almassadam Satkaliyev said that within the framework of the President's instruction, a number of new projects are planned to be implemented in the next two years, which will increase the capacity of the energy system by about 3 GW. In addition, in 2026 it is planned to put into operation a new gas processing plant at Kashagan with a capacity of 1 billion m3, the main gas pipeline ‘Taldykorgan - Usharal’ and the second string of the pipeline ‘Beineu-Bozoi-Shymkent’. Attention was also paid to the development of the nuclear industry.

Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry Zhaslan Madiyev reported on the introduction of artificial intelligence in the sphere of budget planning and the development of an intelligent model for forecasting the revenue and expenditure part of the budget. Plans also include a large-scale expansion of data-centre capacity, which will strengthen Kazakhstan's position as a regional IT hub.

As part of the development of transport infrastructure, it is planned to shorten the route between the central and western regions by introducing a corridor with a total length of 791 kilometres along the Astana - Zhanteke - Egindikol - Arkalyk - Torgai - Irgiz route. For this purpose, it is envisaged to repair sections of the Astana - Zhanteke, Zhanteke - Egindikol, Arkalyk - Torgai roads. Construction of roads between Irgiz - Torgai and Arkalyk - Egindikol is required. Arkalyk airport will also be reconstructed: it is planned to build a modern airport terminal and renew the runway.

Minister of Culture and Information Aida Balayeva reported on the work started to strengthen legislation in the field of cinema, plans to develop Kazakh animation for children. In order to implement the President's instructions to revise the criteria for state social order and improve the legislation on non-governmental organisations, an expert commission of NGO representatives was created. It was also noted that a draft Comprehensive Plan for the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage under the auspices of UNESCO has been developed.

In the field of education, within the framework of the unified programme Children of Kazakhstan, a special law will be developed to ensure the safety and protection of the younger generation from violence, access to quality education and medical care, providing equal opportunities for children with special needs. There are 11 autism centres in the country, and the need to open corresponding institutions in every region has been noted. In addition, among the upcoming plans is the creation of conditions for obtaining in-demand professions. Special attention will be paid to the formation of quality infrastructure. For example, it is planned to build an international college for 1.2 thousand places.

Minister of Tourism and Sports Yerbol Myrzabasynov reported on measures to develop football. Today there are 28 major stadiums in Kazakhstan. Within the framework of the ALAN project on renovation of football fields for the past two years reconstructed 18 sites, this year will be renewed 9 more.

The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Yerlan Nysanbayev reported on the implementation of instructions on the conservation of biodiversity and strengthening of environmental culture. Kazakhstan has expanded the network of specially protected natural areas - from 869 thousand hectares to 30.9 million hectares for almost 35 years. Work is underway to protect rare species, including the snow leopard, and to restore endangered species such as the Turanian tiger and Przewalski's horse. Saiga numbers have now reached a record high of 4.1 million individuals, and further growth is expected. A Biodiversity Conservation Concept is being developed to strengthen conservation measures, and work is also underway to strengthen environmental culture as part of the Taza Kazakstan initiative.

In the agro-industrial complex, Kazakhstan will continue to strengthen its position in grain and flour exports by increasing deep processing capacity. In the next 3 years will launch 3 major projects worth $560 million with the creation of 1.5 thousand jobs.

Prime Minister stressed the need for quality and prompt work in the directions noted by the Head of State in his speech. A number of instructions have been given to ministries and akimats.

Within the framework of tax reform the first package of amendments has been submitted to the Majilis of the Parliament.

Additional proposals have been worked out, allowing to solve some issues in a cardinal way. At the same time, we should focus as much as possible on optimal spending of budgetary funds and ensuring the revenue part of the republican budget," Olzhas Bektenov emphasised. The corresponding instruction was given to the Ministry of Finance together with the interested state bodies.

ICRIAP has been instructed to develop an action plan for the introduction of new digital technologies in government agencies and quasi public sector. IT specialists should be involved in this work.

Head of State instructed the Government to start construction of a new motorway from Astana through the Turgai region with access to the Trans-Caspian transport corridor. The Ministry of Transport should promptly update previously developed feasibility studies and design and construction plans, determine the sources of financing and start construction already this year," Prime Minister noted.

The Ministry of Agriculture has been instructed to develop a comprehensive plan for deep processing of grain and export development. The Ministry should submit to the Government a draft decision on the creation of the International Fund for the Conservation of Natural Biological Diversity. The ministries of tourism and culture together with regional akims need to work out measures to popularise tourist attraction points in each region. It is instructed to create a national atlas of natural and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs together with the Ministry of Culture and Information was instructed to finalise the Concept for the promotion of the ideology of law and order for 2025-2030, as well as to develop a new programme document on the prevention of drug addiction and drug-related crime for the near future.

A number of instructions have been given on the development of nuclear power, theatres, cinema, science cities, modernisation of educational, medical and sports facilities.

In addition, the Ministry for Emergency Situations and Akimats have been instructed to take the necessary measures to prevent large-scale floods, as well as to ensure round-the-clock monitoring of the situation.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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