15.05.2024, 15:24 17316

Olzhas Bektenov in Kokshetau heard the action plans on usage of 816 million tenge allocated for modernisation of boiler houses

Olzhas Bektenov in Kokshetau heard the action plans on usage of 816 million tenge allocated for modernisation of boiler houses
Images | primeminister.kz
Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov visited Akmola region during a working trip to familiarise himself with the plans for preparation for the heating period and the state of engineering facilities, in particular the district boiler house № 2 Kokshetau, primeminister.kz reports.

Akim of Kokshetau Baurzhan Gaisa reported to the Prime Minister on the situation with the infrastructure of the energy complex. Wear and tear of city networks is currently 43%. Within the framework of preparation for the heating season it is planned to repair 6 km of communications, which will reduce the indicator by the end of the year to 41%. Heat supply of the city is provided by the state municipal enterprise "Kokshetau Zhylu". The organisation has 4 boiler houses on its balance sheet.

This year, according to the Resolution of the Government, 816 million tenge is allocated from the reserve for repair of two heat sources (district boilers №1 and №2). In the summer period at the facilities it is planned to repair the malfunctions of boiler units, packages of convective part, heating surfaces and hoppers of raw coal.

Olzhas Bektenov inspected the condition of boiler house №2. The facility was commissioned in 1998, currently provides heat to 56 thousand subscribers. The ultimate production capacity of the boiler house reaches 300 Gcal/hour. Carrying out repair works will reduce the accident rate and provide the population with uninterrupted heat supply during the heating period.

As I have already said, every effort should be made in the summer period to avoid critical situations in the cold season. The head of state instructed to accelerate the modernisation of the communal and energy sector. Ensuring high-quality and uninterrupted heat supply is one of our key tasks. Funds have been allocated. Unfair fulfilment of obligations is unacceptable. We must take into account the past experience, learn from the mistakes made and act proactively," Olzhas Bektenov emphasised.

At present, the project on construction of a CHPP in Kokshetau is still being worked out, which will allow to meet the city's growing demand for heat and electricity. It is planned that its thermal capacity will be 520 Gcal/hour, electric capacity will be 240 MW.

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