28.05.2024, 11:01 16301

Olzhas Bektenov instructs to complete flood damage assessment by week's end

Olzhas Bektenov instructs to complete flood damage assessment by week's end
Images | primeminister.kz
At the Government session chaired by the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov, the issue of liquidation of consequences of floods in Kazakhstan was considered off the agenda, primeminister.kz reports.

Deputy Prime Minister Kanat Bozumbayev reported to the Head of the Government on activities carried out in the regions in accordance with the Algorithm of damage compensation. Thus, as of 28 May this year, over 30 thousand families have received a lump sum payment of 100 monthly payments. The work is under control and necessary measures are taken. More than 15 thousand houses and dacha buildings have been inspected and 11 134 have been assessed.

At the same time, low rates of survey in some regions have been noted. For example, in West Kazakhstan region, 2,176 (54%) of 4,000 flooded houses have been inspected and 770 houses have been assessed. In Aktobe region, 3,679 houses (73%) were inspected and 1,673 houses were assessed.

Akimats of Atyrau, Akmola, Kostanay and North Kazakhstan regions have practically completed the survey and assessment of damaged houses. In the country as a whole, more than 9,000 houses are subject to reconstruction. 4,315 have been recognised as emergency.

Regions have started construction of 1,847 houses and flats, 3,417 housing units are planned to be purchased on the secondary market. Given the short construction season, houses and flats are planned to be handed over to affected Kazakhstanis by the beginning of the school year.

I instruct Akimats together with the Ministry of Industry to complete the assessment of damage to houses and property of citizens by the end of this week. It is necessary to address and treat with understanding the situation our citizens have fallen into. The work should be done as quickly as possible. Kanat Aldabergenovich, keep on strict control," Head of the Government Olzhas Bektenov instructed.


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