28.02.2025, 17:19 2821

Olzhas Bektenov introduces new Minister of Industry and Construction to the Ministry of Industry and Construction staff

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov introduced the new head of the Ministry of Industry and Construction, primeminister.kz reports.

Olzhas Bektenov thanked Kanat Sharlapayev for his contribution to the development of industries, especially manufacturing industry. A large-scale work has been carried out to expand support measures for domestic producers, improve legislation. Over the past year the volume of manufacturing industry increased by 5.9 per cent, the most dynamic growth over the past 10 years has been achieved.

During the presentation of the new Minister Yersaiyn Nagaspayev, the head of the Government voiced the tasks set by the Head of State to consolidate the achieved results and ensure further growth of the manufacturing industry.

A number of instructions were given to intensify the production of high value-added products to ensure import substitution and export expansion. The focus is on close co-operation with investors and business.

The staff of the Ministry of Railways is also tasked with fulfilling the President's instructions regarding the development of the construction industry and modernisation of housing and communal infrastructure.

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